Chapter Thirteen

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Thirty minutes later, Chevonne was walking alone on a path that wound around a man-made lake. The park was on the outskirts of the city, yet it seemed to be a favorite for late night joggers and dog-walkers. The trees surrounding the park made an excellent cover for her two lovers and had she not been told ahead of time where they would be, she would have never known they were there.

It had only been a few minutes since she began her walk, and already a couple of men had slowed down to check her out.

She did nothing to discourage them and it was only a matter of time before one of them stopped. Normally, it would have been irritating. She wasn't looking to get hit on and it was a sad state of affairs that as a lone woman, she would have had to resort to using headphones and ignoring the looks to have the time for herself. But this time, she wanted to be approached.

She wanted to feed.

Her phone chirped at her and she glanced at it. Elliot had texted her and she smiled.

You are drawing attention, love. My jealous heart can't take this.

She looked up and into the trees. Only by her vampiric sight was she able to make him out in the brush and shadows.

Glancing back down at her phone, she replied.

I need to learn this. However, being fed by you for all eternity sounds enticing as well.

Perhaps all that was necessary was for her to look distracted because a man ran up beside her and she glanced at him.

He smiled at her and she smiled back.

"You know, it's not safe for a woman to be out here alone."

"Are you offering to be a white knight?"

"I could be." He held out his hand. "I'm Josh."

"Hello Josh, I'm damsel."

Her soon-to-be meal laughed and she took his hand. His handshake was nice and firm. Not the weak thing that lots of men gave women, as if afraid the slightest pressure would shatter their bones.

"Seriously, what's your name?"

"Why do you want to know?" She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and headed to the park bench. "In addition to white knighting, do you dabble in stalking?"

He laughed again. "Not hardly."

She sat down and he sat beside her, far enough away to not invade her personal space. She found herself respecting him.

"Josh, what do you do?"

"Are you the dabbler in stalking? It goes both ways, you know."

"I suppose you're right. Fine. My name is Chevonne."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

"Thank you," she said. "What brings you out here? The prospect of damsels?"

"Actually, the opposite. It's mostly couples that use this park. Not many single women."

"Are you assuming I'm single?"

"Are you?"

She smiled. "Far from it, Josh."

His eyes glanced to her fingers.

"Marriage doesn't equate relationship status. And as for relationships, since you are curious, I'm more into the open type. But in that, I have many... significant others."

"And they let you come out alone?"

Her smile widened. "I'm allowed to do want I want. I don't need permission. And again, you are making assumptions." It was time. During their talk, the others on the trail had lessened and there was now a space where she didn't see anyone coming. "I'm not alone."

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