Chapter Eight

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It wasn't the flames that woke her the next night. It wasn't Kian's touch that pulled her from the dark. Her breath was harsh as she sat up, and Kian grabbed her, keeping her from running from the room.

"Easy, Chevonne. It's okay."

"Where's Draven? Is he okay?" she asked, trying to pull herself from his grip and he moved, holding her against his chest.

"He had to go out. But he'll be back soon."

"He's gone?" She looked up into dark green eyes. "He left?"

"He'll be back."

There was a tightness in her chest and she rubbed the flesh over her heart. Slowly, she began to get the pounding organ to began slowing down.

"Come and sit with me. Maybe after you feed, it'll be easier."

"What will?"

She kept thinking about his bond, aware that it was still in her. She could feel him. Why was she freaking out? He was fine. But if he went too far away, would that feeling go away? Would she know if something happened to him? How was she supposed to deal with this uncertainty? She realized she was sitting beside Kian on the bed and he held her hand tight.

"It's the fledgling/master link, ambrosia. It'll be okay. He'll really old and not easy to kill. He'll be back."

She tried, god help her, she tried. But all she could think of was his words. The Sons found his maker, a master vampire, over a thousand years ago. It could only be easier with the technology they had now.

"Look at me." The words were distant and she tried so hard to hold on to them, but like dusty cobwebs, they parted beneath her imaginary hands.


Hands gripped her arms, squeezing tight. Blinking, she focused on Kian and what he was saying.

"Bite me, Chevonne. Hopefully, it'll ease the anxiety, because Jesus, you got it bad."

She nodded, looking for anything to take her mind from him, what he could be doing, where he could be going. Was it an act with him? He said he wasn't into mental pain, but perhaps he made an exception for her. Somehow, he made her care about him and then he just walked away. He could create another comfortable setup. But, she didn't really think he would do that. Did she?

Kian's wrist came into view and he pressed the warmth of his skin against her lips.

She took a breath and let his scent fill her mouth and lungs.

His arm wrapped around her back and as he held her close, her fangs dropped. Closing her eyes, she bite deep and where before it was his scent, now it was him that filled her. Swallow after swallow, she pulled him into her veins and slowly, she began to get a grip on her emotions. After a long minute, she closed her bite and he held her against his side. There was nothing but comfort to be found in his touch and if she could have loved him more, she would have.

"It'll be okay, baby," he said, running his lips through her hair.

Eventually, her thoughts turned to other things and she relaxed in his arms.

"Thank you," she said, closing her eyes at the swell of emotion in her heart. "I didn't think it was going to hit me so hard. Jaylen handled it pretty well."

"I've never seen a newborn react quite that violently to it. Makes me wonder. Is it because he's old? Because your bloodline? What made it so strong?"

"I can't answer that." She shivered as the thoughts began fighting for space in her brain again and she got to her feet. "I need to do something. I can't think because all I do is think about..." She turned and Kian was holding out his hand to her.

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