Chapter Twenty-One

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"We will still help. We will keep our word. However, it would be foolish to do it now. Not while they are still focused here. I have no desire for Madelyn to become a target." Draven said, looking out the window, holding Chevonne's phone. "No, we are preparing now. After we flush them out, we will. Yes, before California. She will have her wish soon." There was a long pause. "You did the best you could, Jonathan. No fault lies with you. She is still but a babe and we did not know it would be so easily absorbed. But ease your mind. There, for now, has been no sign of any harmful affects." Another pause. "We will be in touch."

He turned back to the room. "He is fine with the delay. coming around. But I believe she sees the wisdom in waiting until they have either been eliminated or fled for less dangerous hunting."

"You know, I'm going with you all, right?"

Caleb made a sound that was suspiciously close to a snort. "Despite everyone's objections, we know."

Elliot sat beside her, Lily on his other side. "We all hate it, but we know it's a useless argument. However, you will remain in the center of our group, Jaylen and Trey right behind you, as they are still counted among the newborns."

"Thanks for that reminder," Jaylen said.

Elliot chuckled. "It's not an insult. It's simply a fact. Those of us who are older will take up the more vulnerable positions. Unlike what happened with Chevonne, our bodies seem to...fight... the contents of those vials. That's not to say that the absorption doesn't happen, it's simply not as fast. Draven will take point, Ilya and Samson take the rear and the rest of us flank. With the amount of us, and the added benefit of having the others, this should prove... underwhelming."

"It's a sound plan." Jaylen said before glancing at Chevonne. "I can't believe you have the presence of mind to pocket that vial. I had James send it too to my lab friend. We probably won't have the results anytime soon, but it can help us in the future."

"Perhaps some good came from all the excitement," she said, glancing at Draven.

"Mayhap it did," he replied and Elliot laughed again.

"I see somethings do change," he said.

Draven turned tri-colored eyes to him. "Not now, Elliot."

Chevonne's smile widened.

So close to perfection. The hunters would be dealt with soon, then her own personal demons. After that, the rest of forever to love and be loved. Forever.



Chevonne kept the word on a loop in her mind as they drove out to an address given to Draven by a unwilling hunter. An address that led to an abandoned building, north of the warehouse district. North of where she almost lost her life.


Get past this. End those in California.

A hand took hers and the softness told her who it was. Lily sat beside her and her thumb swept over her hand.

"This is where it happened?" she asked, her voice a whisper, as if trying to avoid disturbing Chevonne's ghosts.

She took a breath and nodded. "A few blocks east."

This night wasn't that day, she reminded herself before lifting her head.

"But it's alright," she said, clenching Lily's hand tight. "Because I have everything now."

Lily gave a soft laugh and Chevonne forced herself to lean back against the seat.

Twenty minutes later, and they came to a stop. They were still a few blocks away from the building, not wanting to give them an idea they were coming. Apparently, Elliot had done a good job of talking to people at the feast, while she was busy losing her mind, because there were two other group of vampires approaching from different sides. It seemed the attack that night only fueled retaliation in some of the older ones.

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