Chapter Three

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So, I finally hit chapter 11... 6, maybe 7 more to go... in theory anyway. This chapter just took a turn I didn't see and now, I don't know. *shrugs* #Pansterproblems

Anyway, just so you know, I'm still working on it, though, I am still struggling just a bit. 

Without further adieu: 


"Do vampires dream?" she asked softly, not really wanting to disturb the comfortable quiet of the room. But there was a warm lethargy settling in her and she was tired. So very tired.

"Very rarely," Caleb said. "There is a small part of our consciousness that remains awake, something that helps up look out for danger. So, it's difficult for the subconscious to have its way."

"Are you ready for bed?" Nikolas asked and she nodded.

"I am, but I don't know where to go. I don't have to sleep in a box, do I?"

His laugh was harsh. "No, lovely. You don't have to sleep in a box."

She forced herself to sit up and look at him. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Of course not."

"Why do you sound angry?"

"Because I want to rip apart the man that hurt you and took your memories from you. I want to hurt him like he hurt you, only instead of saving him, I want to play with those injuries. I want to hear him scream for mercy before I rip his throat out and I can't do that. You have slept beside each and every one of us and it hurts that you don't know that. I have nothing to take that anger out on. But, it's not your fault." He got to his knees in front of her. "I'm impatient for tomorrow and can only hope that it helps you. I'm selfish because by helping you, it will help me to see you look at me the way you did before. Back when you knew what the word 'tied' meant to me, meant to you." He reached for her hand, so slowly and gently before bringing her fingertips to his lips. "I'm trying to be strong and I'm doing a terrible job at hiding my thoughts and I'm sorry. You don't need my angst on you right now."

"Just as I can't remember, you can't help but feel. If I'm not allowed to apologize, then neither are you."

His eyes closed and he pressed a kiss to her fingertips.

Draven walked into the room. "Have we found a place for our bella notte yet? The sun will be rising soon."

Elliot met her eyes. "Would you prefer to be alone? We have overwhelmed you tonight and I know it can be a lot to deal with."

"I... I would not, but I would also rather not choose."

"Sweetheart, no one will be mad or upset. You don't know this yet, but our relationship is pretty open between all of us. Yeah, we all want to be around you, but it's because we came so fucking close to losing you. So close you can't imagine. But you're here and that's enough," Caleb said.

She looked at them all. How was she supposed to make that decision? Couldn't she lay with them all? Be wrapped in their warmth?

"Elliot," she finally said, already flinching away from the looks that never came.

"Baby, it's okay." Kian said and she met his dark green eyes. "It makes sense anyway. For reasons that you will see, eventually."

Elliot looked at her. "I bunk with Nikolas as there aren't enough rooms here for all of us. Will that be okay?"

She turned to him as the image of a candle-lit wineglass tickled her brain.

"I want to fall asleep surrounded by all of you, Elliot. So, yes. That will be okay."

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