Chapter Two

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"He's sleeping through the change. When he wake up, he'll be like us. Like you."

She took an instinctive breath, tasting the worry in the air.

"Trey," she said.

"Yes." The long-haired one said and she looked at him. "You are remembering."

"Slowly," she said and took a step to him. Cautiously, she reached out and let her bloody finger-tips run through his hair. "I tried to talk to you, didn't I? Because I think you were there. I tried so hard to make words. But I couldn't. My brain wasn't working then either. I wanted to negotiate. But I don't know what that means."

"And I can't tell you now. You didn't hate me before and there might be a chance that you won't when you regain your memories."

She felt Elliot's touch before his hands took her shoulders.

The worry was fading and she was able to fill her lungs with his scent.

"Thank you," she said. "Draven."

He smiled and it wasn't an empty one. For not having a heart, it swelled in her chest. Was it for him that she wanted to cry for? Was it him that she had wanted to tell something so important? What was it?

It was his turn to touch her and his fingers stroked the line of her jaw.

"I'm going to make a phone call. You will need to feed soon. You are strong, yes, but this is your first night awake and you will begin to hurt after awhile. My blood changed you, but it doesn't have what you need now. The oxygen will also help your heart to start beating again."

"I have to bite someone," she said softly and the fingers on her shoulders tightened. She knew she did. There was a dream she had, once upon a time. Strength. That was why she looked for Draven. She knew she would become this.

"Don't worry, love. We will help you."

"I'm not worried." She turned. "Not about this. A dream..."

Elliot's eyes widened. "Trey's dream."

"I don't know. I don't remember."

"You tried to talk him out of it so Draven wouldn't hurt him."

"Elliot, come now. Must we bring that up now?" Draven asked, looking back as he walked away, a slight lift to the corner of his lips.

" Why..."

The shake of his head stopped the question and she faced Elliot. "I don't know," she said. "I was talking to someone. I was in a cage and I was talking to someone." Another memory. "You were all gone. An explosion." She faced them, these people that filled her with warmth and she knew they tried to help her. She felt them while she was running. Felt them pouring strength into her as she lay in the rain. "Did that happen?"

There were looks and finally, the owner of the beautiful blue eyes stood. "Yes. It did. The people that chased you four days ago were the ones that burned Elliot's house, forcing you out in the open. They took you and there was nothing we could do."

"Caleb," she said and he smiled.

"At your service, ma'am."

"I..." The warmth inside her swelled and there was something so important she needed to say. Something she couldn't find.

"Don't push yourself sweetheart."

"I'm not human," she said and his smiled widened.

"But you still happened," he said.

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