Chapter Twelve

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The next evening, she was sitting in the office with Draven and Ilya while the others put themselves in harms way once more.

She was only halfway listening to their conversation, far more focused on her chest and once again praying that she didn't feel pain and the ring of the bell jarred her from her intense concentration. Draven stood and she rose with him. It was hopefully Jonathan and she cursed herself for leaving her phone beside her bed.

Stopping in the door to the living room, she studied Madelyn, looking for signs that she was not traumatized or hurt from what they had done and her sister offered her a brilliant smile. Some of the tension left her shoulders and she took a steadying breath.

"I'm so happy to see you are well," she said.

"I couldn't be better. Well..." the younger woman laughed. "Maybe after this."

Chevonne smiled, remembering her fear of her bonding with Elliot and how that fear didn't last long.

She looked at Jonathan. "We won't keep you here longer than necessary," she said, smiling.

"As long as it takes to make sure she is in no danger from me," he said and in his voice, she heard the doubt and knew he still wasn't completely behind the idea.

"Johnny boy, the hard part is over. For now. Bonding is something special. She will be stronger through it and you will be able to tell if she is in danger. You can send her your strength. We won't let you do anything foolish. Trust us. Trust her."

Jonathan glanced at Draven. "Don't let me hurt her."

"You have my word," her maker said.

Jonathan held Madelyn's hand as if it was made of glass as Draven led them outside. Ilya excused himself to go scout out the area and Chevonne followed the others.

Hugging Madelyn, she stayed inside, offering them a semblance of privacy. Draven stood right outside the door and Jonathan turned back to him.

"I'll be here," he said. "But I am giving you as much privacy as I am able. You need to listen to her heart. I will be as well, but it might help you to focus on the task if you try. It's going to be fast at the beginning. She wants this, but that initial bite is going to hurt. Nothing to be done for it. When she relaxes, listen. Just as it begins to slow, you need to stop. If you take much more and then she drinks from you, it's won't be a bonding, it will be a converting. Something neither of you are ready for yet. You have to listen. The same goes for when she drinks. You never want to give enough that it will overcome her own blood. As she is drinking, listen and just as it begins to beat harder, make her stop."

"Sounds easy enough," Jonathan said. "Though, I'm pretty sure it's anything but that."

"You have had her scent tantalize you and you are correct. However, I believe you have it in you. You love her and judging by Chevonne's bondings, that can make all the difference."

"But you have my back?"

"If that means that I will look out for the two of you, then yes."

Chevonne put her hand on the glass of the back door and Jonathan took a deep breath then met her eyes. His smile was only a touch strained and he gave her a wink. Her return smile, she hoped, was full of encouragement.

Turning away, he and Maddy headed to the gazebo and Chevonne stepped away from the door. She kept her eyes on Draven, willing his expression to tell her if they were okay or not.

Minutes ticked away and at one point, Draven opened his mouth to say something, before closing it again. He gave her a brief nod and she knew they made it through the trickiest part. After a few more minutes, Draven stepped inside and as she was about to ask where they were, he touched her lips.

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