Chapter Eleven

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Okay, so, I just realized this was missing a whole ass scene... Like... what? Oops. 

She sat with her lovers and Lily wondered back into the living room. Trey got up from the chair and offered it to her and she took it.

"How are you feeling?" Elliot asked and she smiled.

"Like someone carved poison out of me, but it could be worse."

"Do you think you'll be up for the feast?"

"I was thinking about it. Why?"

"It seems we are all going to be attending."

Hazel eyes shifted to Chevonne. "Somehow, that doesn't surprise me," she said with a grin. Looking back to Elliot, she said, "So, how's that going to go when the freaky starts?"

His hand tightened on Chevonne's. "I don't know. I have permission to force her to stay out of it if I need to and it's probably going to come to that. And I'm not certain how well that will hold."

"I'll be fine," Chevonne said, his tension playing with hers.

"Draven is going to go with us. He said he would keep an eye on her as well." He looked at Chevonne. "You have to promise me something. Promise us something."

"What is it?"

"If it's not enough and supposing we live through the night, don't hate us for what might happen."

"I can never hate you, Elliot." She turned, looking at them all. All her lovers. All those that held a place in her heart. "I can't hate any of you. I promise."

Elliot glanced at Nikolas and he nodded.

"When is this event going to be held?" Chevonne asked, trying to distance herself from Elliot's anxiety.

"A little over two months away. You have time to acclimate yourself to touch and I can't suggest highly enough that you do so," Draven said, coming back into the room. "There is a dress code, of sorts. Formal attire."

"What do you mean 'of sorts'?"

"Ahh, you will see, bella. This is your first feast and I will not spoil the simpler aspects of it. I will, however, say this. While you will be there with all of us, you will be my 'plus one'. That should help keep away others that think they can... toy with you."

"Why would others be interested in me?"

"You, and young Trey, are different. A fact that will be known to everyone there. Outside of predators, we are curious creatures. And being descended from a goddess, well... it won't go unnoticed."

She glanced at Trey and he shrugged. "How do we keep others from wanting to 'toy' with him?"

Lily spoke up. "If the both of you are cool with it, he can be my guest. I don't have the same terrifying aura that Draven does, but up until the... uh... after-party... starts, vampires will typically respect the boundaries set by the guest tag." She held up a hand. "Before agreeing, keep in mind that there is a certain level of intimacy that is expected. If that intimacy is not observed, people get wary and the curiosity will turn into suspicion."

"What exactly are you saying?" Trey asked.

"It means you have to kiss me a few times, a few touches. A show, you might say, but we don't have to take it further than that."

"She's right." Elliot said. "At least it was the last time I went, many years ago." He glanced at Draven before looking back at her. "In addition to what Draven said about us, there is also the fact that you know. Touch is different for us. When we are not playing at civility, we can easily become lost in blood or lust." He smiled, a dark thing. "Or, often enough, it is the combination of the two."

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