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"Lee, Lee, look at what I made!" Hiroaki's little voice calls out as he sprints over to me, almost busting his ass in his haste as he thrusts out a blob of red playdough.

"....What the fuck is that?"

A pout takes over his features as he slowly lowers it, dark gray eyes looking downward in disappointment. "It's a heart....couldn't you tell?"

I want to hate children. I really fucking do. But with my nephew looking up at me with wide eyes full of hope and an absolute abomination of a playdough heart clutched in his hands....I still find myself hating children.

Just not him. Hiroaki's the only brat I'll ever tolerate, he's like a little ray of sunshine, a major contrast to his satan spawn of a mother, my older sister Mikasa.

"Of course I could tell, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting the wrong interpretation from your....masterpiece."

A bright grin takes over his features and I mentally sigh in relief, when he doesn't get his way he tends to act out. Absolutely no time for that bullshit, I have a five page essay on the history of internal relations to write.

"Lee, will you make something out of playdough with me? I wanna-"

"Not right now, I'm busy. If you go up to your room and stay there until I'm finished, I'll make something with you." I can tell he's not convinced so I tack a second incentive on, guaranteed to do the trick. "And I'll let you drink a beer. Sound good?"

His eyes widen at the mention of alcohol and he nods rapidly, scurrying off up the stairs until I'm left alone with my computer, my notes, and my lack of motivation to finish this paper. After working diligently on my essay and absolutely not staring at my notes absently for a few minutes, "Toxic" by Britney Spears blares from my phone, and I pick it up to glance at the caller ID. I roll my eyes when I see who it is, contemplating if it's worth the headache or not to pick up. After the third ring I accept the call, knowing that Hanji will just continue to spam me until I answer, and brace myself for whatever bullshit might come out of their mouth.


"Why the fuck are you yelling?" I hiss into the phone, my irritation levels rising rapidly, a new record considering I've been on the phone with them for less than a minute.

"Sorry, you know I get excited! Are you working on your paper?"

"Unfortunately." I scoff, placing my phone on the kitchen table in front of me and putting it on speaker, sliding my computer closer to me to scroll through the few paragraphs I have written.

"Awh, I thought you would have been finished by now! Hey, maybe I can come over to keep you company-"

"No." I interrupt them, shuddering slightly as the thought of dealing with both Hanji and an 6 year old goes through my mind. "Absolutely not, I'm not at the apartment anyways."

"That's right! Where are you?"

"Mikasa's, watching my nephew." I respond absentmindedly, opening up a new tab and searching up, How to discreetly hang up on someone.

I roll my eyes as I read through the WikiHow article, if I'm going to hang up on someone, it's not going to be fucking discreet, I'm just going to do it.

"...I was thinking maybe tomorrow, me, Erwin and you could go out to-"

I decide to take my own advice and click the red hang up button, sliding my phone across the table so it's out of my line of sight, attempting to put myself in a state of concentration so I can really get to work. And I would be able to, if not for Hanji immediately calling back, Britney's voice echoing through the air once again.

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