Traumatized AU Part 1

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Just to let everyone know before this starts, Lukas is twenty years old.

TW: mentions of death,trauma, panic attack, yelling/screaming

"Say cheese!" Shortly after this was said, a flash of light from a camera blinded the three people in front of it.

As the little family huddled around the camera to look at the photo, the girl asked her brother, "Now that you graduated, what are you going to be?"

"I think you would make an excellent doctor." Said the mother, grinning, adding, "You were always interested in medical things, Lukas."

"No! He's possibly gonna be a physiatrist, helping people get over their traumas!" Cried the sister, who was dressed in a suit designated for the Marines. The father, who was mute, simply smiled and looked at his son with pride.

People walked past them, as the family eagerly awaited for Lukas to tell them what he was going to be. Some children ran up to the Lukas's sister to ask for an autograph or a picture, which she happily agreed to.

"I actually wanted to possibly work at an asylum." Said Lukas, nervous that his family may not like this idea. He braved himself for the shock and horror from his parents, and the disapproval from his elder sister.

"That's actually a great idea!" Crowed Esmeralda, grabbing her marine cap and throwing it into the air. Lukas's father signed that he also approved of the idea.

His mother, of course, was a little concerned. "Will we be able to visit you? Will you be safe, and will you be happy with that job?"

Smiling, Lukas replied with, "Think if it this way: I will be a doctor and a psychiatrist. I think you will be able to visit me, but I think it will depend on the safety rules of my job's place of business."

After hearing this, the mother relaxed and then joined in the celebration of her daughter and husband.

"TO THE RESTAURANT!" Shouted Esmeralda, dancing around her brother. "WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE OUR FIRST FAMILY DOCTOR!"

People who saw the family celebrating their son's graduation and his plans for the future, smiled at the sister's dance.

Three months later

"You must be the new guy that they want me try." said a red-headed doctor, her gray eyes studying Lukas's face as she opened her office door.

"Yes, I'm Lukas Porter." Answered Lukas, reaching over to shake her hand. He added, "I'm excited to possibly start working here, Doctor..."

"Romana. My name is Petra Romana. You will be under my supervision, and you will address me as Dr. Romana when around patients." Said  the doctor, as she shook his hand with a firm grip.

Soon, the two of them were talking about the assignments that Lukas would have, should he be hired.

"Do you have any questions?" Asked Petra, as she reached for her coffee mug. As she sipped her coffee, waiting for any questions, she glanced over some paperwork on her desk, then glanced at the clock on the wall over the door.

"Will my parents be able to visit me during work?" Asked Lukas, knowing due to training from his mother, that if he didn't ask a question, he would probably not be hired.

Looking sharply at Lukas, Petra said, "Of course they can! Our faculty and patients are allowed visitors, the patients depending on their stability."

Lukas grinned, asking, "Will I be able to help with the patients, or will I be majorly there to take notes?"

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