Chapter 3 - Romeo and Juliet

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*DISCLAIMER* the characters in this chapter belong to JK Rowling

Draco got home that evening and slumped down onto the dark grey armchair in his living room, the events of earlier still swimming in his head Marriage Law?  Draco sighed and pulled out from under him a copy of Romeo and Juliet, Who cares?  he thought, it's not like it's going to affect me. 

Oh how Draco was wrong.

Meanwhile with Hermione at the Ministry

Hermione was working late (as per usual) and was struggling with paperwork, her head was swimming, this was not like usual  she thought to herself as she yawned, she sighed and got up off her chair and headed towards the fireplace to use the floo network to return home, she sighed and looked around it's not like I was being productive she thought to herself as the guilt started to set in, so she stepped into the fireplace, away from her work, and thought of the quiet solitude of home. 

Unfortunately for Hermione, a very different scene greeted her upon her arrival back home. "We're engaged!" Squealed a voice and a hand adorned with a glistening diamond was thrust up towards her face, Hermione smiled, she had to be happy, "We're going down to the Ministry tomorrow to elope" continued the voice as the hand was pulled away from Hermione's face, revealing a rather flustered Ginny, "we need to beat this Marriage Law thing before it separates us, Mum is rather worried that we won't get a proper wedding, but we can always have a ceremony at a later point," Ginny continued, her words were merging into one great overcheerful mass to Hermione and she started to zone out and think about work.

 "Hermione? Hermione!?" 

"Yes, sure, whatever you want," Hermione mumbled

"Great we'll see you tomorrow outside the Ministry, remember to wear something more weddingy," Ginny said and she apparated before Hermione could ask her what she had just agreed to.

Hermione grabbed the book from her counter and sat down in her chair, little did she know that just down the river, her Prince Charming was reading the exact same book.

It was at 10 o'clock that evening that a witch and a wizard separated by a river set down their books and got into bed. The link between them was undeniable, but neither witch nor wizard knew of this link or the inevitable truth which would bring them together. 

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