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16 years later

"Lyra! Hyperion!" Hermione called up the stairs of the Malfoy's London townhouse.

"Coming Mummy!" Lyra replied appearing at the top of the stairs, her trunk levitating behind her. Over the years Lyra's darker curls had slowly turned into a soft honey colour, the perfect blend of her father's platinum blond and her mother's chocolate brown. Her eyes were still steely grey and danced with excitement at the prospect of leaving for Hogwarts once more. 

"Aah, Lyra dear, come here and help Calliope into her coat." Draco smiled at the appearance of his eldest daughter. Calliope Luna Malfoy was the youngest Malfoy, and quite honestly, despite what Hermione and Draco say, a happy surprise. The three year old had her parents' brains and if you couldn't see her baby face or her Velcro shoes you would believe she was at least 6. She had the Malfoy blonde hair which curled around her button nose and chocolate brown eyes. 

"Have you seen Hyperion?" Draco continued as he passed Calliope over to an awaiting Lyra and walked over to his wife.

"He said he'd meet us there, something about wanting to travel in with Sophie." A voice said followed by the appearance of Scorpius Draco Malfoy. Scorpius was eleven and starting Hogwarts this year. Unlike his sisters he seemed to be more accustomed to breaking the rules instead of studying. "I've decided I want to be in Slytherin." He announced ignoring his parents' horrified face, "and I would prefer if we weren't late." He grumbled seeing his mother looking as though she would disapparate to the Zabini's home to collect Hyperion herself. 

"Of course darling." She smiled, holding out her hand for Scorpius to jump off the stairs. "The car's waiting outside."


"Lyra!" A voice greeted the Malfoy's as they passed through the barrier.

"James!" Lyra squealed running over to where the eldest Potter stood. 

"I still can't believe my daughter's dating a Potter." Draco grumbled,

"And I can't believe my son's dating a Malfoy." Harry laughed walking over to the remaining Malfoy's.

"Harry! Ginny!" Hermione smiled, "How's Albus? Is he looking forward to starting Hogwarts?" 

"I guess." Albus mumbled as he was pulled into an embrace by Hermione. "Hey Scorp." He smiled as he saw his best friend standing next to his aunt. 

"Why don't you two find a seat?" Ginny smiled as she saw Hermione start to tear up. 

"What a wonderful idea." Hermione sniffed.

"Oh dear, mum's crying again." Hyperion said rolling his eyes as he and the Zabinis joined the group. 

"Oh hush." Draco scolded. 

"It's alright, now that you're here Hyperion, don't forget to write this year. I don't want to have to write to McGonnagal just to find out how you're doing." Hermione sniffed, drying her tears on her handkerchief. 

"Of course mum." Hyperion moaned as he pulled out of his mother's embrace. Straightening his Gryffindor tie. 

"Aah Lyra, you mustn't forget to take some time off." Hermione sighed turning to her eldest daughter who had just returned with James from the train. "And look after Scorpius." She added.

"I'll try." Lyra laughed.

"I'm so proud of you my little Ravenclaw." Draco smiled pulling her into a hug. 

"Daddy." She squealed as she was squashed against her father's broad chest. 

"Miss you Lyra!" Calliope squealed pulling on Lyra's leg begging for attention.

"I'll miss you too Callie." Lyra smiled, pulling her sister into a hug. 

At that moment the train whistle blew and Lyra pulled James and the other children away from where their parent stood, now joined by Hannah, Luna, Rolf and a rather scruffy looking Ron Weasley.

"Good bye children!" Hermione cried, her eyes filling with tears as Draco picked Calliope up and ran with her following the train as it pulled out of the station. 

Life had turned out perfectly in the end. Ron and Hannah were finally happy with their  son Hugo. Ginny and Harry had had three children James, Albus and Lilly and lived in Harry's parents' old home. Cho and Blaise had had Eloise and Blaise Jr (Cho had lost a bet to Blaise on this one) after Sophie. Luna and Rolf had had twin boys and travelled the globe looking for fantastical beasts. And Hermione and Draco? Well they were happier then they had ever been right where they were. 

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