Chapter 14 - I do

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Hermione woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, she had definitely drunk too much champagne last night. She looked over at her alarm clock 7:56, oh Merlin, she was going to be late! She left out of bed, grabbing her wand and brushing her teeth as she magicked on her outfit and sorted out her hair.


Draco was stood outside the Marriage office in the Ministry and looking at the clock, 8:01, she was late, perhaps she'd run away? He thought to himself as he paced up and down the hall. He saw Harry and Ginny waiting nearby with an older couple, must be Mr and Mrs Granger, he thought to himself as he walked over to introduce himself. 


Hermione was finally ready, she locked up her flat and then disapparated staright outside the ministry. She looked around and saw Draco chatting politely to her parents who were laughing? Hermione straightened herself out and then called out "Um, should we go in now?"

Draco turned around to see Hermione stood there dressed in a modest white lace dress, her hair had been calmed into a low bun complete with a barrette of rubies. She looked beautiful he thought to himself.

Hermione could see Draco, the Potters and her parents walking up to her, with a woman and two men whom she's recognised as Draco's mother and Nott and Zabini. She breathed our deeply attempting to expel her nerves. "Alright Granger?" Malfoy smirked holding out his arm, she could see Harry was trying very hard not to get angry or upset and her parents looked a bit confused as to why Hermione's fiancé didn't call her by her given name. But she ignored them, nodded and took his arm as he led her into the registry office. 

Draco and Hermione stood before the official as he asked them to connect wands, "Draco Lucius Malfoy, do you take Hermione Jean Granger to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health?" He began.

"I do." Draco replied, his mouth evolving into a slight smirk, he saw Hermione look at him and roll her eyes.

"Do you Hermione Jean Granger take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your lawfully wedded husband,  to love and to hold, in sickness and in health?" The official continued.

"I do." Hermione replied. Draco could hear the resistance in her voice and his heart sunk. 

The official took out the ministry issue rings and placed them on Draco and Hermione's fingers, then bound their wands together with a string of light, "then by the power invested in me by the Ministry for Magic. I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!" He exclaimed as the string around the wands dissolved into the wood, binding the pair eternally together.

Draco looked at Hermione and stepped closer, here goes nothing Hermione thought as she allowed him to kiss her, it wasn't a bad kiss, it really wasn't she could feel electricity passing between them, it was even better than her previous kisses with Kramer and Ron, she just saw the meaning behind the kiss and didn't want to be eternally bound to someone she barely knew forever. As they broke apart she could feel Draco's steely blue eyes on her lips and she turned around and walked out of the office Draco running behind, leaving their guests and parents worried and confused.

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