Chapter 12 - Pixie Berry Pancakes.

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One day to go.

Hermione woke up to the smell of burning, as she jumped up out of her bed and pulled her robe around her she could hear cursing and the smoke alarm blaring. 

"Oh I'm sorry Hermione." Ginny said as Hermione exited her bedroom looking dazed and confused. "I was trying to make you your favourite pixie berry pancakes and it went a little wrong."

Hermione laughed, a little wrong was an understatement, her usually immaculate kitchen was covered in batter and what looked like glitter. The pancakes themselves were burned to a crisp and one of them had exploded. "Ginny, it's fine, don't worry I'll clear it up later, what are you doing here anyway?" she asked as she picked up a stray eggshell that had flown across the room. 

"I'm here for your bachelorette party!" Ginny said "Surprise!"

Hermione's nose crinkled, "I'd love to Gin, but I have work and I need to go seeing as I have the next week off." She said as she began to clean up the mess with a flick of the wand. "But after work, I promise we can hang out, but it can't be too messy next time." She laughed as the final remnants of the failed breakfast flew into the bin. 

Ginny sighed, Hermione was too much of a workaholic, but she agreed to the proposition and left Hermione to get ready for work. 

Hermione looked at her watch, she was already running late for work, she grabbed her bag, magicked herself a work suit and was running out of the door when BANG! She rang into something solid, she rubbed her head and began to walk off not looking up to see what she had hit. 

"Aren't you going to say sorry?" A voice said as a hand grabbed her arm. Hermione gasped, she had just run into Malfoy, who unlike usual was dressed in a form fitting t-shirt and black skinny jeans. 

"Oh Merlin! I'm sorry!" She stammered, Draco just chuckled, "what are you doing here? No wait don't answer that, sorry, I have to go, I'm going to be late." And before Draco could say anything she disapparated leaving Draco standing there bemused and holding a box of Pixie Berry Pancakes. 

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