Chapter 28 - The Circle of Life

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It's been a while to say the least, school got a bit hectic and I decided to update The Proposition when I had the time because I am enjoying the story better. However, I am back and with the last chapter, don't worry there will be a prologue - AJ

"One last push Mrs Malfoy!" The healer shouted,

"It's Mrs Granger-Malfoy!" Hermione screamed as she let out one final push.

"Love is that really imp-" Draco began before he was cut off by an ear-piercing scream.

"Congratulations it's a boy!" The healer exclaimed taking the small screaming baby and passing him to a weeping Hermione. 

After a few minutes the medi-wizard held out her arms for the baby. "Are you ready to do this all again?" She asked.

"Again?" Hermione stuttered, her face snapping to the eyes of the healer. 

"Yes again Mrs Granger-Malfoy. Didn't you know that you were having twins?" The wizard replied, the confusion in the air making it foggy.

"Oh Merlin!" Draco mumbled.

"Oh shut up! I'm the one who has to push it out!" Hermione snapped, passing her son to the healer and preparing to push again. "I can assure you we are never doing this again." She then added.

"Whatever you say love." Draco mumbled, his face struck by shock.

"Now give me your hand!" Hermione ordered grabbing Draco's hand as she pushed once more.

"Congratulations it's a girl!" The healer exclaimed.

"No more?" Hermione stammered, her face full of exhaustion after her eight hour labour. 

"No more." The healer confirmed, passing their daughter to Hermione and their son to Draco.

"They're beautiful." Hermione cooed as she rocked her daughter in her arms.

"That they are." Draco cooed, leaning over to give Hermione a kiss. "That they are."


The room was soon filled by the Granger-Malfoy's friends and family, who all agreed that the twins had inherited the best from both parents. The daughter, had Hermione's dark chocolate curls and Draco's sharp features and steely grey eyes, and their son was the splitting image of Draco, except with dark chocolates brown eyes. 

"I thought you were only having one baby." Ginny said finally as she held the small little girl in her arms. 

"So did we." Chuckled Draco.

"It was the perfect surprise." Hermione smiled, looking out on her large happy extended family; Mr and Mrs Weasley, her parents, Narcissa Malfoy, Harry and Ginny, Luna, Ron and Neville. Ron May have been sulking but they both knew that this was the way things we're mean to to turn out. Hermione and Draco were made for each other.

"What are their names?" Harry said, cutting through Hermione's thoughts.

Draco looked down at his wife and smiled. "Here we go." He whispered in her ear.

"Hyperion Harry and Lyra Ginny." She smiled, her smile soon turned into a laugh when she saw Ginny's face contorting into a wide grin and Harry having to take Lyra out of her arms as she jumped up and down for joy. 

"They're perfect." She said finally.

"That they are." Draco said.

And that they were. As the sun set on the buzzing family in St Mungo's, anyone could tell that all was well.

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