Chapter 25 - Perfect

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So I don't really know where this fan fiction is going, so any idea about possible storylines, bumps on the road or possible antagonists would be appreciated. I would also like to remind you that the characters in this book were created by JK Rowling and I did not create or own any of them. 

I also started to write another book, which I haven't published yet, and am thinking of getting rid of the book 'always and forever' because I just don't feel like writing that anymore, as quite honestly it's not my best work. The new book at the moment is called 'The Proposition' (this could change) and follows Lucille, a nurse from a wealthy background, as her father pushes her towards Alec, a boy who broke her, in order to save his company. If anyone is interested, please say so at the side of this page and I can always post a teaser.

Anyway, on with the story...

It had been a few months since Hermione had been promoted, and life was going smoothly, the only bump being that of Hermione's expanding stomach. Draco couldn't be happier, his promotion at work meant that he could choose his hours to fit in with Hermione's schedule and as had been able to select the specialty of paediatrics. He had never thought that after joining the dark lord he would have a shot at life again. Hermione was also doing very well, as Under-Minister for Magic, she oversaw some of the less important departments and laws, and shadowed Kingsley in Wizengamot meetings, and that with other countries. She was about four months pregnant now and had started being stopped by reporters and other witches and wizards to ask who the father was, and was this predicament a result of the Marriage Law? Hermione never answered the questions, she wanted to tell the press on her own terms, not on theirs. She and Draco had moved back into the manor, as Narcissa had disappeared to France, as that was the last place where reporters would look for Gryffindor's Golden Girl. 


"Draco darling." Hermione called across the library, her hand rubbing her stomach. "Come feel the baby kick." 

Draco's face lit up from his position next to the door, and he rushed over before you could say Lumos. "Really? What did it feel like?" 

"Like this." Hermione said, pulling his hand across her stomach.

Draco's face had spread into a wide grin and the look of pride on his face beamed across the whole room.

"What have you done to Draco?" Blaise joked, opening the library doors for his dramatic entrance. "You broke him Granger." He chortled, walking over to the pair.

"I'm pretty sure I fixed him." Hermione replied back getting up from her position to hug Blaise. "How's Cho and the baby?"

"All good." Blaise replied, "I don't care that he's not mine, I just hope that she'll allow us to have one of our own soon!" He cooed, bending down to Hermione's stomach. "How is my little nephew?"

"We don't know if it's a boy yet mate." Draco said slinking his arm around Hermione's shoulders. "And before you ask, we don't want to know. Personally I think it's a girl." He smiled kissing Hermione's cheek.

"The baby's fine Blaise, thank you. It seems to think my bladder's a pillow but other than that it's been a dream so far."

"That's great, anyways, Cho asked me to invite you both round for dinner tonight, do you think you can make it?" Blaise smiled.

"We wouldn't miss it." Hermione smiled back. "We have an appointment at 4 but we will be there as soon as it's over." 

"Great! I can't wait!" Blaise exclaimed, jumping up and running from the library.

"He seemed awfully excited." Hermione turned to Draco, her face covered in a bemused expression. 

"He did, didn't he. Who knows what that about." Draco sighed, "now then I think it's time we had some lunch." He grinned, swinging Hermione into his arms and carrying her bridal style towards the kitchen as she laughed. 

Life was perfect.

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