Chapter 24 - New Position

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Hermione straightened her blouse for the hundredth time in the past hour. She was sat outside the minister's office and could hear the muffled shouts of Kingsley himself and her head of department. Suddenly her head of department stormed out of the office a storm cloud drizzling over his head. He stopped in front of Hermione. "You're fired Granger!" He hissed and stalked off, pushing his wet hair out of his face. 

"Ms Granger-Malfoy, the minister will see you now." Kingsley's secretary called, interrupting Hermione's racing mind. 

"Hermione!" Kingsley called as Hermione walked in, "no need to look so frightened dear." 

"Is there a reason I was just fired? Am I in trouble?" Hermione gulped.

"Of course not. Rather quite the opposite. I'd like you to come work for me as the Under-Minister for Magic!" Kingsley explained, his face grinning from ear to ear as he saw Hermione's gaping mouth. "I discussed it with Henry just now. He didn't think it was a good idea, considering the circumstances," he nodded to Hermione's stomach, "but I've never been so sure of something in my life. And when I retire you will become the next Minister for Magic!" He concluded. "So what do you say Hermione?"

"Yes! Yes! Of course, thank you sir. When do I start?" Hermione exclaimed, jumping out of her seat after taking a moment to process what Kingsley had just said. 

"How about right now?" Kingsley chuckled, go collect your things and your new secretary will show you to your office."

"Thank you sir." Hermione said as she got up to leave.

"Oh, and Hermione?" 

"Yes sir?"

"Congratulations to you and Mr Granger-Malfoy."

"Thank you sir." Hermione exclaimed happily as she practically skipped out of the office, this day can't get any better, she thought to herself. 

"Hermione?" A voice called out as Hermione walked out of her old office levitating a box of books.

"Yes? Oh, Parvati, it's good to see you again!" Hermione squealed hugging Parvati. "What are you doing here? I thought you worked for the Daily Prophet?"

"I'm your new secretary, Rita Skeeter fired me after I refused to spy on you and Draco." Parvati explained.

"Oh I'm so sorry." Hermione stuttered.

"It's ok, I've got a better job now. Anyways, How are you and Draco?" She giggled, wiggling her eyebrows at Hermione. 

Hermione laughed, "We're great actually, I'm guessing you heard the news?"

Parvati gave a small grimace, "unfortunately yes, I tried to stop the article from being published but my hands were tied."

"It's ok. To be honest it's a bit easier everyone finding out like that, no awkward conversations." Hermione laughed. "Now where is my new office?"

"Oh right! Sorry, just this way."

Hermione was just putting the last few books on her new bookshelf when there was a knock on the door. 

"Hermione, Ginny and Harry Potter are here to see you, should I let them through?"

"I suppose you better." Hermione sighed, "you can add them to the list of accepted visitors too." She added as an afterthought as Parvati called Ginny and Harry through.

"Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy!" Ginny screamed bursting through the door, followed by a sheepish Harry, "Why is it that I had to find out that my best friend was pregnant through the morning newspaper?" 

"Lovely to see you too Gin. I was going to tell you today, but the prophet found out before I had the chance."

"It's ok Gin, she didn't have a part in this. Remember when the Prophet spilt the news of our relationship to the wizarding world? Hermione's probably as angry as you were." Harry said, stepping between his wife and a flustered Hermione

Ginny grunted at Harry and pulled Hermione into an embrace. "I'm sorry 'Mione, bloody hormones are taking over my body." 

"It's ok Ginny, how did you find my new office anyway?" Hermione asked throwing a puzzled glance at Harry. 

"Kingsley said something yesterday about his plans to make you Under-Minister for Magic, so I came here instead of your old office. Besides, Gin saw you moving in." Harry said

"That makes sense." Hermione laughed, pulling Harry in to join the hug. 

"I hate to interrupt the family hug, but we have a lunch date." A voice drawled.

"Draco." Hermione breathed without looking up. She pulled away from the group and walked over to him. "I see you got my owl." She smiled as she straightened his badge on his lab coat. 

Draco nodded as he bent down and kissed her lips, ignoring the gawping eyes of Ginny and Harry. The kiss deepened and soon the pair was making out, Hermione's hands running through Draco's white blond locks.

"Ahem." Harry cleared his throat,

"Oh sorry." Hermione blushed, "Are we still on for lunch tomorrow? because I kind of need to go." 

"Yes." Ginny smiled, now off you two go. "Shoo, shoo!"

"Shall we Mrs Granger-Malfoy?" Draco smirked, offering Hermione his arm.

"I believe we shall, Mr Granger-Malfoy." Hermione grinned, waving to her friends as she took his arm and they disapparated.

"Blimey." Harry said.

Ginny slapped his arm, "she's happy, and that's all that matters. Now I believe we also have a date." She grinned as the pair walked out of the office.

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