Chapter 10 - 5 days

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Hermione arrived in the Potters' fireplace 5 days before she was meant to marry Draco Malfoy looking flustered. 

"Hermione Granger! Where have you been!" Shouted a very angry Ginny as she rushed up to the fireplace from the kitchen. 

"Did Ron tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Ginny replied scowling, she could see the look on Hermione's face, "he's been too busy with his new girlfriend, or should I say fiancé, he hasn't even bothered to come visit us, a bit like you she added" hitting Hermione with her tea towel. 

"Ow Ginny!" Hermione shouted, "Harry Potter, come here and save me from your wife!" She added as Ginny continued to hit her with the tea towel as they ran around the room giggling.

"Hermione!" Harry said as he walked in, "Good to see you, we were beginning to think that you'd disappeared. Ron told us he was seeing you a few days ago and you two haven't shown up since. Is everything alright?"

"Not really," Hermione sighed as she sat down, Ginny had finally stopped attacking her and had sat down next to the fireplace. She could see Harry and Ginny's concerned faces. "It's about the Marriage Law."

Once Hermione had finished she could feel the two Potters staring at her in shock. "Draco Malfoy?" Harry finally uttered. "Draco bloody Malfoy?" He shouted standing up in anger, "what on earth is wrong with Hannah to think that you and bleeding Malfoy would be a good match?" Ginny stood up and soothed Harry, "Maybe he's changed?" She said, stroking his arm, "we may be angry and cross and upset, but remember Hermione's the one that has to marry that git." Harry nodded and sat back down.

Hermione looked nervous, "I know you may not like Malfoy, but I really need you two there, for moral support. I can't invite any more than two but I need you two there to help me through this." She stammered as she burst into tears.

"Of course we'll come Hermione," Ginny said as she hugged Hermione. "It's going to be ok, I promise you, it will all be ok." 


Meanwhile Malfoy had been with Blaine Zabinni and Theo Nott explaining the whole ordeal to them. "So can you both come?" He asked, "my mother will be there and I need two friendly faces to keep me from knocking her out." 

"Of course mate" Zabini said looking at Nott, "besides, I'll need you two there when I get married on the 3rd." 

Draco grinned, this may not be the way he wanted things to go, but at least he'll have some friendly faces. "And who's that to?" He smirked teasing Zabini.

"Chang." He replied, both Nott and Draco agreed that she was better than who they had ended up being paired with. Nott then revealed that he had been paired up with Luna Lovegood and the trio erupted into laughter. Who knew that he was as looney as Looney Lovegood? Draco thought as he punched Nott in the arm.


"We need to get you an outfit." Said Ginny as she and Hermione made tea in the Potters' kitchen. "You need to knock off Draco's socks and start this arrangement with him wanting more." She said nudging Hermione. 

"Ginny Potter!" Hermione snorted as she took the kettle off the stove. "It's not like it's a proper ceremony or anything, I'll just wear something from my current wardrobe." 

Ginny pouted and grabbed the milk from the fridge. "Don't let mum hear you say that, or she'll  want to throw you a proper ceremony as well." 

Hermione laughed, and then she thought about her parents, how on Merlin's beard were they to get to her wedding?


*Just a reminder that the characters in this chapter are not mine and belong to JK Rowling, this is a fan fiction and I do not own the rights to Harry Potter*

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