Chapter 8 - Bruises

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Ronald Bilius Weasley had never been so shocked in his life. His arch enemy was to marry his best friend. He was so shocked that he just stared at Hermione, his grip loosening on Draco's collar.

"Is this the Marriage Law?" He asked still staring with shock, Hermione nodded. "It's not like I would marry her out of my own accord." Draco sneared as he prised Ron's now flaccid hand off his collar and went to stand next to Hermione. "Besides, I can't imagine who you were paired up with..." he said, but just as he was about to insult Ron again, he felt a hard punch in the face and blacked out. 

He woke up to a blurred scene in front of him, he couldn't make out what they were saying as his head was pounding but he could tell from the general atmosphere that they were arguing.

"Ronald Weasley! I know you have history with Malfoy, but it's not like I had a choice, and punching him like that, that was uncalled for!" He heard the right hand blur scream as his head began to settle.

"He insulted me, he insulted you!" The left hand blur shouted back. "He's an idiot, a bloody stupid git at that too!"

"I don't care, I can take care of myself! Besides what would Molly say if she heard that you punched out Malfoy because he's my fiancé?" 

"Don't you dare bring my mother into this!"

"I will do whatever I wish Ronald! We may not like this, but I'm stuck with him, and WE BROKE UP! You didn't like me remember, you saw your chance with that other witch and broke us up. I'm sure your mother would love to hear about that!"

Before Ron could reply, Draco sat up rubbing his head, and the pair in front of him, which he could now see were clearly Granger and Weasley, stopped their argument and turned to him.

"Are you alright?" Hermione asked, she seemed concerned to Draco, whilst Ron seemed furious.

"Just a pounding headache, I can fix it up with my wand, no problem." He replied, waving her away. He may be stuck with the brightest witch of their generation, but he was a healer and didn't trust some untrained witch with his health. He got up, head still swimming, and saw his face in the mirror across from the bed he had been lain on. "Bloody hell Weasel." He snorted, hand to his face, his right eye was surrounded by a purplish blue hue. It felt tender to the touch. "My wand." He said as Hermione looked on scared and worried. "I need my wand to fix this." 

"You can't fix that black eye with magic." Hermione replied, picking up Draco's wand from the bedside table. 

"I know that, but at least I can fix the headache." He replied, snatching the wand out of her outstretched hand.

"I'm going to go." Said Ron, he looked awkward at the sight and mumbled a half hearted apology as he left.

"Ronald Weasley! This isn't over!" Hermione shouted after him. Draco winced, his head was still delicate despite him having taken care of it with his wand. "Oh, sorry." Hermione said "if you need anything I'll be in the next room, I have to go to work soon though." And with that Hermione walked out of the room.

Draco sighed, he should be getting going too. He looked around him and took in his surroundings for the first time. Hermione's bedroom was stuffed full of books, no surprise there he thought, he continued to look around for anything incriminating that would give him a better idea of who Hermione Jean Granger was. The bed was covered in a patchwork blanket and the bedside tables looked worn and battered, there was a wardrobe on the side of the room nearest the door, and he could see that everything inside there was neat and perfectly organised. Other than the books, which seemed to be in organised piles, nothing seemed out of place. He sighed, and got up off the bed and set about getting ready for work. 

"I need to go." He said as he walked out of the bedroom, the sitting room, like the bedroom, seemed too organised, yet cosy and stuffed full of books. 

"As do I." Replied Hermione, grabbing her bag of the dining table that stood pressed up against the divider with the kitchen. "Are you coming?" She asked, "because I end to lock up behind you." And with that she pushed me out of the door and disapparated. 

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