Chapter 4 - The Start

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Draco woke up in a cold sweat as his alarm went off, he groggily shut it off with a wave of his hand and started rising from the bed, head pounding as he pulled a t-shirt over his head, he went over to the small kitchen opposite from his room and started rooting around looking for something that he could eat. It was at the moment when a sharp knock came from the apartment door. 

"Draco, darling, how are you?" Said Narcissa Malfoy as she swept into th apartment past Draco's startled figure. "We need to have a chat about this whole Marriage Law ordeal. I believe that it will finally be your chance to settle down and bring honour back to our family." It was at this moment that Draco realised that maybe he wasn't as exempt as he previously thought.

An hour later and Draco had finally made it into work, as he walked towards the clinic, a healer by the name of McLaggen approached him, "Malfoy!" He said smugly as he sauntered past a group of giggling witches, "How about helping me with emergencies today?" 

Draco was stunned, McLaggen never paid him any attention, he was a good healer, yes, but he was arrogant and still prejudiced towards Malfoy despite Malfoy being pardoned and having no criminal or death eater activities on his record. McLaggen had become a healer after his quidditch career nose dived into the ground, quite literally. "Really?" He stammered, he couldn't contain his excitement, he and McLaggen had been in the same healer class and had graduated together, but due to his past no one seemed to want to give him a promotion. "No!" McLaggen replied and he sauntered past Malfoy to his friends and ridiculed Draco.

Draco gathered himself together and headed down to the clinic, so much for positivity. 

Meanwhile Hermione had arrived at the Ministry just in time for Harry and Ginny's elopement. She apologised as she straightened out her dress and took the small bunch of lilies Ginny gave her, "I thought this wasn't going to be a ceremony?" She questioned as Molly Weasley straightened Ginny's train. "Neither did I" said a voice, and Hermione turned around to see a sheepish Harry. Hermione laughed and followed Ginny and Harry into the Ministry. 

The wedding was over in under an hour and Hermione excused herself to return to work, she loved Harry and Ginny, but she needed to emerge herself in work to get away from the fears and doubts that surrounded her following the whole Marriage Law announcement. She returned to her office and had barely sat down when a letter flew in. Hermione reached over and plucked it out of the air. She sighed, she was barely back and she was already being pestered. She opened the letter and read the first sentence and realised that her life was about to change.

Hermione was stunned, she just sat there reading and rereading the letter. 

Dear Miss H Granger,

Following the announcement of The Marriage Law yesterday, we have worked tirelessly to find all young wizards between the age of 18 and 30 their perfect partner for the programme. It has taken a lot of witchpower but we can now reveal to you your partner. 

Mr Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Some of you may find the news of this shocking or stressful, however we have tried our best  and are confident that you and your partner will be able to work out a perfect marriage. There are some deadlines however, each couple must be married by Christmas of this year and be pregnant with their first child a year from then. These couples are final and we cannot change them. 

You both shall be contacted within the week to start the process. All wedding expenses will be paid for by the ministry, and a date for the wedding will be set after your initial meeting.


Hannah Abbot, Head of Magical Population Comittee

Hermione, having reread this for the 50th time turned her head and proceeded to be sick into the waste paper basket.

Draco on the other hand didn't receive his letter until he returned that evening, he had just got into his flat when he heard a tap tap tapping coming from the bedroom window. He took the letter and opened it, confused, after reading it through Draco checked it's authenticity and to his horror everything written in there was true. Oh how his father would kill him.

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