Chapter 26 - Chlaise's News

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*Hi, It's definitely been a while, school started again for me this week so I've been busy preparing and translating ciceronean insults which is quite an odd experience. So I've decided that there will only be a few more chapters of this fanfiction and an epilogue and then it will end. I have started another story called 'The Proposition' which is not a fanfiction but my own work about a nurse Lucille and her grandfather's deal with her ex-boyfriends's grandfather. I hope someone will like it, I've tried very hard with the first few chapters on there. I will probably start another Dramione fanfiction at some point but it depends on how hectic taking four A-levels, dance and EPQ will become. I hope you enjoy this chapter - AJ* 

Hermione was sat on a heap on the floor, partially buried by a sea of fabric. 

"Love, are you alright?" Draco asked, cautiously stepping around a strewn jumper. 

"Nothing fits, everything makes me look fat." Hermione sobbed throwing an offending dress across the room at the mirror. 

Draco's brain was racing, Hermione was particularly easy to offend at this point and he knew that he had to say exactly the right thing. "You don't look fat, you look beautiful." He cooed, staring into her tearfilled eyes, "I love you all the same, infact I don't mind that there's more of you to love, Why don't you wear this?" He asked, spotting a flowing pink midi skirt. 

"I guess." Hermione sniffed, grabbing a large white jumper and gathering the skirt into her arms. 

"Come here." Draco said, his arms outstretched welcoming Hermione foreword. As she pushed into his arms a warmth spread through his body and his heart sped up. He didn't care that they were married, he still loved her like the day he met her back when they were eleven. "We need to hurry up now, don't want to keep Blaise waiting, if we're even a second late He will have filled the house with kittens." Draco joked, kissing the top of her head. Hermione softly giggled. "I love you Hermione Granger." 

"I love you too Draco Malfoy." Hermione smiled as she kept from his arms and started to pull on her selected outfit. 


"Draco!" Blaise squealed as he leapt into Draco's startled arms. "Thank Merlin you're here." 

"Good to see you too Zabini." Draco chuckled, pulling away. "I hope we weren't too late." 

"Of course you weren't." Cho smiled as she appeared in the doorway holding a small grizzling child in her arms. 

"Hey Sophie!" Hermione soothed as she wandered over to the pair. "How's my favourite niece?" 

The baby cooed and waved her small arms frantically. "Mione!" She gurgled.

Hermione looked up at Cho, "How are you Cho?" She asked as she took Sophie from Cho's arms and bounced her up and down.

"I'm ok, Blaise and I have some news." She smiled, "How are you and the baby?"

"We're alright, we had an appointment at four, but everything seems to be right on schedule." Hermione replied cradling her stomach. "However this little one seems to be hungry all the time." She laughed.

"Oh right!" Cho exclaimed waving her wand, "Dinner is served." And with that they all tucked into the feast Cho had conjured. 

Hermione was just licking the spoon clean after devouring a helping of sticky toffee pudding when Blaise cleared his throat. 

"We have some news." He continued his face bubbling with excitement.

Hermione looked up and met Draco's eyes, they seemed to share an unspoken message of that's why we're here. 

"Do continue." Draco drawled, breaking his gaze.

"We're moving to Switzerland!" Blaise exclaimed, "Cho got a job out there as the boss of one of their hospitals and we decided to move out there!" He continued, babbling with excitement about the culture and their new home. 

"That's great." Draco said apprehensively, he had known Blaise since they were babies and he felt a little hurt that he would just leave. 

"Don't worry," Blaise exclaimed, sensing Draco's misery. "We're going to set up a floo network between the manor and our new home. It will be like I never left!" 

Hermione groaned and Draco laughed. 

"To new beginnings!" Draco toasted holding up his glass of fire whisky.

"To new beginnings." They chorused in return. 

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