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When I got back home it was dark outside, but it didn't bother me anymore. I pulled out the phone from my jacket and I could see a ton of texts from the boys. I sighed, hating myself for making them worry. As I was about to reply and apologize a sudden incoming call from Jimin showed up on the screen. I answered swiftly.

"Hyuuuung, are you ok? We were really worried!" Jimin cried. I could also hear the rest of the boys moaning in the background. I must be on speaker.

I sighed "I am perfectly fine, guys! I am really sorry for leaving like that and making you worry. I should have told you what was wrong."

"You better do it next time or I'll spank your ass really bad!" Yoongi growled. I laughed at his comment.

"I will. I promise. I also want to tell you everything about what happened. I am sorry I kept it a secret from you."

"We knew all along you were not right, Hobi, we just didn't want to put pressure on you. We are here for you when you're ready." Namjoon said.

"I am more than ready! Should we meet tomorrow? I am ready to take the first step towards loving myself again." I could hear their loud cheers.

"Perfect, another special occasion for me to cook something nice!" Jin said happily, already thinking on a menu.

"Hey, Hobi, does that mean Santa's little helper arrived on time?" Jimin asked curiously and I knew who he meant.

"Haha, very funny. I actually wanted to strangle you to death when she showed up, but I guess she did help a lot. Thanks, Jimin.

"She was very keen to come to your rescue!" Taehyung giggled. "I hope you were nice to her on her birthday!"

"Her birthday? Today? I had no idea, no one told me! Shit, instead of her celebrating she had to put up with my problems! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Everyone laughed at my panicked reaction.

"Calm down, Hobi, I've just sent you her phone number so you can make it up to her" Namjoon said through laughing.

"You better not make the princess wait!" Jin added. "We all owe her!"

"Good luck, hyung!" I could hear Jungkook now. "We'll see you tomorrow! Rest well!"

Everyone said their goodbyes and we finished the call. I looked at the screen at Namjoon's text. I've saved Ha-Neul number to my contacts under "extremely annoying but nice person" and laughed at myself. I feel really guilty not knowing about her birthday and thinking badly about her all this time. I decided to text her after I took a shower and snuggled under the covers.

"Hey! This is Hoseok, the grumpy guy that destroyed your birthday. I am really sorry I didn't say that sooner, but Happy Birthday! And also thank you for today!^^"

I watched some funny animal compilations on my phone for a few minutes, before placing my phone on the side and closed my eyes. She didn't reply. I wonder if she is sleeping already. Or maybe she is ignoring me. I would do the same if I was in her shoes.

Suddenly I could hear the new text notification and I just rushed to grab the phone. I read the reply impatiently.

"Hey! Thank you and don't worry too much about it, I don't really celebrate my birthday anyways. I hope you are feeling better!^^ And I am sorry the audition didn't go the way it was supposed to. You were shining on stage, like a literal ray of sunshine! :D Sleep tight and dream of unicorns!"

I smiled, I don't know why. A literal ray of sunshine? That was a first! Part of me didn't want it to end like this, so I just texted her back.

"I am feeling better thanks to you. You should celebrate your birthday, it's the best way to eat for free! :D And thanks for the compliment, no one called me like that before :)) I feel bad I couldn't give you a nice present but only my depressive past :("

I felt proud on my word play. She replied fast this time.

"Smooth, Shakespeare!"

It was only a short text and I was disappointed for some reason. But then another one followed soon after and my excitement went off the scale.

"Stop being silly, this was actually the best birthday ever! I got to watch your performance, finally met the boys and on top of everything you accepted to be my friend! I couldn't ask for a better present!^^"

"This girl, really..." I laughed to myself. Somehow she always managed to find the right words to make me smile. I was happy we were only texting and that she wasn't in front of me to see me blush. She texted me again.

"Anyways, I'll send my unicorns to pay you a visit in your sleep so you can rest well! Sweet dreams, Hoseok!"

I wanted to talk to her more but I think she's had enough of me for one day. She must be tired.

"Keep them to yourself, I don't want to be buried even more in debt! Also, you can call me Hobi, that's how all my friends call me ^^ Goodnight, Ha-Neul!"

"That's so sweet! <3 Goodnight, Hobi!^^"

I put my phone away and buried myself under the blanket. I wondered if she was thinking about me. I closed my eyes and smiled again.

"The 3rd of March isn't a sad day anymore, it's the day you were born and the day we became friends."

I fell asleep thinking about my dear friends. 

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