Part 1

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Please read Can I Be A Hero... Kacchan? first before carrying on reading this book. Thank you and enjoy!

"Aimi... Aimi, get up... Aimi~... you have school... Aimi!... Aimi! Get up!... ugh... Aimi Bakugou!... Aimi Bakugou get your ass out of this bed now!" I hear dad shout, I slowly open my eyes. Oh... shit. Dad looks pissed, that's a rare sight. I sit up, "Finally you lazy girl, you're just like your father."

"Sorry, dad. Have I made you late for work?" I ask as he shakes his head.

"Nope, I have the afternoon shift. I wanted the morning off to send you off to school," he says with a big smile.

"You didn't have to, but thank you anyway," I tell him as I get out of bed.

"First things first, missy. Why was your alarm not set?" He asks as I gulp.

"Um... I forgot..." I tell him ashamed.

He sighs, "You better not forget for tomorrow, now get into your uniform and I'll make you breakfast," my dad says as he smiles and leaves my room. I sigh in relief that I didn't get a scolding, I put my UA hero academy uniform on.

But wait! I should introduce myself first to you readers, I'm Aimi Bakugou. I'm the adopted daughter of Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou, two loving dads! My dad, Izuku, is a police officer, he's a lieutenant. My father, Katsuki, is the hero Ground Zero.

I love that they both save people but... they are so protective of me! Just mentioning that I wanted to go to UA made them both freak, now they accept it thankfully. I got into class 1-A at UA, the same class my father was in. He's proud of me for that, which makes me happy.

Though I know I'm adopted I've never felt out of place or unwelcome, it's why I don't want to look for my birth relatives. Izuku and Katsuki are my family and I don't need anyone else telling me they are my family. That's final!

What's my quirk? You may be asking, it's weather! Well... clouds I guess, I can create clouds, all different kinds! Regular white, grey, thunder, rain, hail, or just pitch black clouds. It works better in a building or an enclosed room. A special move that I made with my father is called, 'Full Coverage'. I can make a large cloud to fill a room and act like fog, I can't make what's classified as fog but I can make something similar to the thickness.

Now, let's go to me eating breakfast with my dad! Yay... as you can tell I'm like my father, not a morning person. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen, my dad looks at me and smiles. "You look really good in that uniform, your father would say the same," he tells me as I nod.

"Thanks, dad. What did you make for breakfast?" I ask as I sit down at the table.

"I made us scrambled eggs and bacon!" He says proudly as he puts a plate in front of me. "A good way to start a new hero's journey," he kisses my forehead as he grabs a plate for himself and sits across from me.

"Thank you, dad," I say with a smile as I start eating. "It tastes better then father's that's for sure... he needs more practise."

"We're keeping that between the two of us," he whispers with a childish grin. I laugh a little as I eat the breakfast my dad made for me, once finished I go into the kitchen to put my dishes away in the dishwasher. But that's when I spot two bento's, they each have a sticky note on them. One's for me and one's for dad, father must've made them, I smile as I take mine.

"Dad! I need to leave," I shout down the hall after putting my bento in my backpack.

"Right, coming!" He shouts as I hear him stumble over something which makes me laugh. "Don't laugh at me, missy!" He says as he steps in front of me. "Did you get the bento on the counter?"

"Sorry, dad. But why are you such a clumsy police officer," I tell him as he scratches his green fluffy hair. "Yes, I did... will it poison me?"

"I have the police officer touch!" He says as he pokes me. I laugh as he practically tickles me, "It's fine sweetheart, I helped him make it this morning so it won't kill you. Okay, now be safe. I know me and Kacchan get on you for that a lot but there are many unsafe things in this world, I know this very well. I love you, sweetie, now have a great day at school," my dad says as he hugs me while stroking my dark green hair.

"I will dad, thank you," I say as he releases me. I put my shoes on and leave the house while waving at my dad, I can tell it's going to be a good day! I get to meet new friends and start a career, it's not going to be easy but I hope it'll at least be fun!

After a nice long walk, I get to the school, I look around me at all the students in the same uniform as me. I'm nervous but I'm excited too! I go to the 1-A classroom, I walk into the classroom and the eyes go to me. So many people... some of them even look intimidating.

"Hi, there! I'm Chika Kaminari," a girl says as a few others gather around me.

"Hey, I'm Aimi Bakugou," I tell them as some eyes widen.

"Wait... your Ground Zero's daughter!" A pink-skinned guy says. 

"Yes, I am," I tell them.

"So, cool! We have the number one and two hero's kids at UA," a black-haired... well it's more like feathered boy that kind of looks like a frog says.

"Wait, Lemillion's son goes here?" I ask as they nod. Oh, did I mention my father is the number two hero now? Haha, surprise!

"Yep, he's in his third year now," a platinum blonde boy says.

"Wait... I know you! Your Rintaro, right? Kirishima's son?" I ask as he nods.

"Yes! I knew I recognized you!" He says as he brings me into a big bearhug, just like Kirishima and Katsuki.

"You two know each other?" A girl with bright pink cheeks and blue hair says.

"Her father and my dad are really good friends," he tells them as I nod along. The bell rings and I take my seat at the end of the middle row, the teacher soon walks in. To my surprise it's Momo Yaoyorozu, I hear two loud groans in the class. She glares at where the groans come from, I'm now confused so is the class.

"You two wanted to come here so you have to deal with me as your homeroom and social studies teacher," she says as she looks at two boys. One with white hair on the left and black on the right and the second one with red on the right and black on the left.

"Fine, mom," the two say in unison. Mom? Oh! They must be the Todoroki twins, their dad is the number three hero.

"It's Creati when at school or Mrs. Yaoyorozu," she says as the two nod again. "Now, onto role call, Eichi Morikawa, Yukiko Iida, Kayoko Horikiri, Ayuko Monoma, Haru Furutani, Yusa Iida, Seishiro Takami, Hiroshi Takakuwa, Chika Kaminari, Aimi Bakugou, Maiya Yamada, Hisato Nishikawa, Naoyori Todoroki, Rintaro Kirishima, Shigeki Sero, Kiwa Tezuka, Noritsune Todoroki, Yuichi Kashiwa, Koshiro Tokoyami, Nene Bubaigawara."

Wow, there are some big-name kid's here, myself included I guess. The class starts and Creati explains everything that we need to know about the school, there is surprisingly a lot to know. She also tells us everything we need to do in order to pass this class and make it into the A-class next year, I just have to try my best to accomplish these. 

During math class with Spiral or Mr. Kaibara, I feel someone looking at me so I look around... it's this light blue-eyed guy, his hair is a silky midnight purple colour. He's really good looking, he's looking right at me, should I talk to him after class. I should, he could be really nice.

The first part is done! I hope you liked it, oh and some of the names that were called out in the role call are just made up. I hope you can tell by the last names whose a hero son or daughter, other than that I hope you liked it! Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1460

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