Part 2

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Yuichi's POV
My alarm blares in my room, I wake up to the same gross crusty walls. I look at the time, right I start school today at UA hero academy strictly for my 'dad'. I put the school's uniform on and leave the room to enter another gross crusty room, it's the main living space.

"Good morning, Yuichi," my 'dad' Shigaraki says as I enter the kitchen.

"Morning," I plainly state while ruffling my midnight purple hair.

"You know why you're going to this school don't you?" He asks for the hundredth time this past week.

"Yes, to capture Aimi Bakugou. I know, I know," I tell him as I let out a heavy sigh.

"Do it any way possible as long as she comes to me alive, Nene will be there too. She's there to help you, I believe Dabi's son, Seishiro Takami, will be there but you know that situation. Nene is going to try and turn him so she won't always be there to help you," he explains to me once again.

"I know, there is no need to worry about me. You 'adopted' me for this reason so how could I not know the plan," I tell him as he nods.

"Good," he says confidently as he places a plate with an omelet on it in front of me. "Eat up, you'll need the fuel for today."

"I know," I say as I eat the semi-okay omelet, Kurogiri makes better omelet's. While I eat let me tell you about myself, my name is Yuichi Kashiwa and I am 'adopted' by Shigaraki Tomura. I was abandoned by my parents at the age of ten, Shigaraki found me in an alley and took me in. I only do as he says since he gives me food and shelter, I don't like what I have to do but I get to live from it.

During my early teens Kurogiri mostly cared for me and taught me things, Shigaraki was always too busy to do such things. Nene Bubaigawara, Toga's and Twice's daughter became good friends with me and always tries to understand me. She's a caring person even though her parents are almost the total opposite, Toga's always trying to stab people and Twice is just... Twice.

About a year ago Shigaraki and most of the country learned about Ground Zero's daughter and... fiance. Apparently, Shigaraki was close with his fiance at some time, so he wants me to capture Aimi Bakugou since I am the same age as her. I don't know what the fuck he wants me to do with her but I just don't want the blood on my hands, that's all.

My quirk is called eye penetration. The name is kind of deceiving, I can penetrate any part of the body when my quirk is activated. To activate my quirk requires direct eye contact with the person, this will make my eyes go red and make sure they won't look away. From this point anywhere I look on there body pain will hit, it feels like a paintball hit them. There are four places I can't hit though, the head, heart, groin, and inside organs. I don't have any special moves yet, my quirk is already complicated as it is.

"Thanks for breakfast," I tell Shigaraki as I go to the kitchen to clean my dishes. After cleaning them I go to the door of the house, "I'm going to get going, I'm picking Nene up so we can walk together."

"Alright, do your best today with Aimi. I want results," Shigaraki says as I put my shoes on.

"Yeah, you got it. See ya," I say as I leave the so-called, 'house'. I make my way to Toga's and Twice's small two-bedroom apartment, I knock on the door and Nene answers it. She smiles once she sees me, I show her a small half-smile. She then pouts and I sigh knowing what I'm about to hear.

"Come on, Yu. Smiling cleanses the soul, just make that half-smile a big bright smile!" She enthuses as Twice comes up from behind her.

"I'm good," I say as she sighs and grabs her bag. She turns around and gives her dad a big loving hug, she then let's go and waves at her mom. She exits the apartment and skips ahead of me, I catch up to her on the sidewalk. "It's still hard to believe your their kid," I tell her as she giggles.

"You say that a lot, but why though?" she asks as we walk towards the school.

"Your mom is all stabby and bloody, you know. Then your dad is all double trouble kind of shit, you know," I tell her as she giggles again.

"I guess you're right, I'm not really like either of them," she says still with a smile on her face. Her long blonde hair bounces as she walks on the sidewalk, she has heterochromia eyes, one yellow and the other grey. Her quirk is blood double, when she can see and is in a 6-metre distance of anyone's blood that is exposed she can make a double of whom the blood belongs to. She mostly uses her blood, she has a lot of scars from it actually. No special attacks either, like me.

We get to the school and enter the classroom of 1-A, the class pauses their conversations and looks at us. "Hi! I'm Nene, nice to meet you all!" Nene says as she walks over to a group. I'm not surprised by that, she's pretty social.

I suddenly have girls surrounding me, oh shit... this can't be good. "Wow, you're really attractive, what's your name?" A girl with glasses, pink cheeks, and blue hair says to me.

"I'm Yuichi," I tell them as most of the girl's faces go pink. "Are you all alright?"

"Your voice is deep, it's... I'm not going to finish that," a girl with strawberry blonde hair says.

"Was that your girlfriend you were with?" A girl with similar hair to mine but has a yellow streak in her hair, says.

"No, a friend. Our parents know each other," I tell her as she nods. "I'm going to take a seat now, so... can I get through you girls?"

"Oh! Yeah, go on, sorry," a girl with silver hair says as they move out of the way. I go and sit at my designated desk, none of the girls seem like Aimi. I'll just have to wait, she'll show up.

I zone out for a bit but I suddenly hear, "Wait... your Ground Zero's daughter!" I look over to see who they are talking to, the girl has stunning deep ruby red eyes. Dark green hair that can be mistaken for black in the darkness, this is the girl I have to capture? Damn it, Shigaraki this girl looks as strong as her father and is absolutely stunning!

The bell rings and I look from my desk back at Aimi, I don't like this. She seems like a kind girl, a heart of gold but I have to ruin that... damn you Shigaraki. She suddenly looks back at me, fuck... those ruby red eyes. I can now see her freckles... she's... beautiful and I have to capture her.

I groan as the teacher, Creati, does role call. That's when I notice the odd amount of hero children, capturing Aimi will take a while with all these hero kids. The hero kids were probably trained by their parents a bit before coming here, I'm hopeless by myself. Once Nene gets Seishiro on our side it might be easier, that is only a wish though.

Seishiro Takami, the adopted son of Hawks and Dabi. Hawks left Dabi when Seishiro was six, he took Seishiro with him and Dabi almost got arrested after Hawks left. How? Well, Hawks ratted us out and sent the police and more heroes to our previous base. Dabi tried to go after Hawks but got stopped by a whole swat crew, Dabi has been a mess ever since the whole thing.

He asked Shigaraki for me to get Seishiro back for him but Shigaraki said no, then Dabi and Shigaraki got in a huge fight which Nene stopped by saying three words. 'I'll do it' they stopped fighting and agreed for Nene to try and recruit Seishiro, for the first time in a long time Dabi looked relieved.

There are two reasons Nene wants to do it, first, "Uncle Dabi looked and still looks so upset from the whole incident with Hawks, I just want him happy once again" is what she said. And, second, "Plus! I've seen a picture of Seishiro now from Hawks' Instagram, he's super cute!"

So that explains the two missions myself and Nene have here at UA, capture Aimi Bakugou and recruit Seishiro Takami. Easy right? Not one bit...

Part two done!!! Yay! Just saying if I'm gone for a long time without saying anything or posting anything, I am packing and moving, why you may ask? My mom is leaving her toxic relationship with my stepdad, she wants to get out of this house as soon as possible. I'll most likely have no time to write and no wifi either, I hope you liked this part though. Thanks for understanding ahead of time. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1565

Can I Be A Hero... Kacchan? | Book Two | Aimi BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now