Part 19

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"We can't let you in yet, family needs to come," a nurse says to me as I angry slam my hand on the reception desk.

"He doesn't have any!" I shout at her.

"You need to calm down, it's say on his record that he has a guardian by the name of Tenko Shimura. We can't let any visitors in until they come, I'm sorry," she says as I was about to shout at her again.

"AIMI! Calm down!" my father says as he comes over to me with crutches.

"Father!" I run over to him and hug him, he almost falls over. "They won't let me see Yuichi because-"

"I know, I heard. It was kind of hard to hear," he says as he makes his way to the reception with the help of the crutches. "Do you know who I am?" he asks the receptionist.

"Yes, I do," she with a gleam in her eye, I roll my eyes.

"Tenko Shimura is the real name of Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the League Of Villains. You will take that god awful name off Yuichi's record and allow Aimi in to see him, go ahead and put my name down as a guardian for him," he tells her as she quickly do as he says.

"Can I go see him now?" I ask impatiently, the receptionist looks up at me and nods. I smile and run to the hallway but stop, I look back at her.

"He's in room 236," she says as I nod and walk as quickly as I can to his room. I stop in front of the door and open it as fast as I can, I stand in the doorway as I stare at him. He stares right back at me, a hue of pink rests on his cheeks. I can tell mine are the same.

"Hey, Aimi," he says with a small wave.

"I'm so glad you're okay Yuichi," I say as I walk over to his bed.

"I'm just glad that you're okay, how's everyone else?" he asks as I take a seat.

"Nene and Seishirou aren't injured and are waiting in the waiting room, my father broke something in his leg and is on crutches, and my dad... he's unconscious with a concussion, he broke his arm and a few fingers," I tell him as he nods.

"I'm glad everyone is mostly okay," he says with a deep sigh.

"So am I," I say as I look out the window. It's a peaceful silence, I was stuck in a train of thought while staring out the window. But soon a warm hand covering my own made the train derail, I look over at Yuichi.

"You're not going to say anything?" he asks, I tilt my head in confusion.

"About what?" I ask, he chuckles and brings me closer to him.

"This," he says as he kisses me, it was short and sweet. He looks me in the eyes and smiles, not a half-smile like he usually does but a sincere, happy smile. I feel my face get warmer and warmer by the second, he chuckles again.

"I was too worried about you that I forgot about... that," I say as I try to cover my face but he prevents me from doing so.

"Don't hide, I want you to tell me if you feel the same as I do."

"I... do Yuichi, I really do."

"Good," he smiles again and kisses me once more but deeper. He then pulls me into the bed with him, he holds me close. "Never leave me, Aimi," he says as he combs through my messy green hair.

"I wouldn't even plan on it," I respond as he holds me closer.

Katsuki POV
I make my way past Yuichi's room to get to Izuku's, the door was slightly open. I didn't hear anything but I can see them, Yuichi kisses Ai. I slowly smile as I move away from his room, I get to Izuku's but I wasn't allowed in yet.

I sit on the chairs in the hallway, a doctor comes over to me and tells me that he is awake. They are just checking that everything is correct, I then can go in after. I tap the foot of my good leg on the ground as I wait, I then get the signal to go in.

I make my way to the side of his bed, a nurse places a chair behind me to sit on. I thank him as he leaves me with Izuku, Izuku looks up at me and smiles. "I told you that plan was stupid," I tell him as he just chuckles.

"I know, but we have Aimi and those three kids are safe now too," he says as I nod in agreement. "How are all of them?"

"Aimi, Nene, and Seishirou are all okay, Yuichi has some back injuries and should be released tomorrow," I tell him as he slowly nods.

"I'm glad to hear," he says as he takes a deep breath in and a deep breath out.

"You're in the worst condition, stupid," I tell him as he chuckles. "There are some in worse though..." I instantly regret what I said.

"Who?" he says as he almost jolts up if I didn't push him back down in time.

"About... four of your men are sadly gone from our world. One in the hands of Dabi, one from Kurogiri, and the other two from Toga and Twice," I tell him as he looks down. "There was nothing you could do, Izuku. Right now you can only wish them well, along with their families."

"Right..." I stand on my good leg and lean of the bed and pull Izuku into a hug. He hugs me back with his one good arm, "Everything's fine now, we have Aimi and her friends. So there sacrifice didn't go in vain."

"Exactly, that's the correct thinking. Now move over, I need cuddles," I say as I lightly shove over.

"Yes, Mr. Bossy Pants," he says as he moves over. I get in beside him and hold him close to me, "Thank you Kacchan."

"For what?"

"For changing me, for loving me and not giving up on me. For saving Aimi and he friends, for being the only hero I need in my life."

"You're welcome teddy bear, now get some rest," Izuku rest his head on my chest and drifts off into a peaceful slumber. From watching him sleeping I slowly fall asleep, everything feel right.

Unedited, sorry for mistakes.
Soooo, this is the end!!!! Yay! Hopefully I can start the next BakuDeku story on Thursday, if not then Saturday, on Halloween! I also have my drivers test today so that's why it's short but it has everything I wanted for the ending in it. Thanks for reading this! Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1150

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