Part 10

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I leave my room and spot Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Twice and Tani was there surprisingly, they're all talking in the living room. They stop when I walk through. It must be some confidential shit, I decide to walk outside. I take my phone out and call Nene, I'm hoping Seishiro is with her.

"Yu!" she shouts into the phone once she answers.

"Hey, Nene. Is Seishiro with you?" I ask as I get as far away from the "house".

"Yep, wanna talk to him?"

"No, just put me on speaker. I know your parents aren't there."

"Sure thing... okay he can hear you."

"Okay, I wanna know both of your opinions on... leaving."

"Leaving? Leaving what?" Seishiro asks as I hear Nene hum.

I sigh, "To leave the league, get away from this bad side of the world."

"Wait... but my parents?" Nene asks a bit worried.

"Nene, you and I have known from the beginning that you don't belong in the business they are in. You just don't belong in the league, do you also see how they treat you?"

"But! They are my parents! I can't just leave them!"

"Nene, I've only been at your place a few times but they don't care for you. They told me one time, 'I'm glad you're here, you keep Nene away from us.' That is what your mother told me," Seishiro tells Nene.

"Wait... she said that?"

"Word by word."

"I wanna leave."

"Good, I do too. Seishiro I bet you're in since you weren't with us in the first place," I say.

"You bet I'm in, I want Nene happy and safe," Seishiro says as I hear Nene giggle in the background.

"I have a plan... I really hope it works," I tell them.

"Wait, does this involve telling someone?" Nene asks, she knows me too well.





"Nene, Yuichi likes Aimi. It's his best chance at doing something," Seishiro tells Nene.

"Well, I'm not opposed to telling Aimi. I'm just worried about her father! He's Ground Zero!" Nene worries.

"Yes, that's the plan... and I hope it works. And Seishiro how did you know I like Aimi?" I ask.

"It's hard not to tell, you stare at her quite often and I realized it wasn't just because of the mission," Seishiro tells me.

"S-shut up..."

"OH MY GOSH! Sei! You just made Yuichi stutter, that never happens," Nene shouts, I pull the phone away from my ear as she continues to shout.

"Okay, I'm hanging up! I'm going to try and talk to Aimi about it all tomorrow," I tell them as I put the phone back to my ear once the shouting calmed down.

"Sweet! Bye Yu," Nene says.

"See ya, Yuichi," Seishiro says.

"Bye you, two," I say as I hang up the phone. I groan as I lean against a random building wall, the only problem now is getting Aimi to agree to help us. Well, I guess getting away will also be a struggle, along with somewhere to go.

"What are you doing over here?" I hear Shigaraki's voice, I slowly push myself off the wall. I walk over to him, he looks at me suspiciously.

"I was on the phone with Nene and Seishiro, I thought of a new plan," I tell him as his suspicion leaves.

"Care to share?"

"I've gotten a lot closer to Aimi, maybe if I build a larger relationship with her I can get her here?"

"Larger relationship?"

I sigh and rub the bridge of my nose, "Attempt to make her my girlfriend."

"Oh... oh, I like the sound of that. What does Nene and Seishiro have to do with this?"

"Wing men."

"Okay, come on Kurogiri made dinner," he walks away back to the "house". I let out a deep breath, why was that harder than it should've been. I am begging you Aimi, help us get away from these horrid people.

Aimi POV
I sat at the table, both of my parents were in the kitchen cleaning dishes and whispering stuff. I'm learning more about the league now, but my parents are so serious about it that it scares me. How bad is the league?

My dad sits down while drying his hands, my father soon came with a box. I'm ready to hear about this, they've always tried to get out of the league topic but now were talking about it. "Aimi, there is one thing about me that you won't like but is a part of my past," my dad says.

"I'm ready to hear everything," I tell them as my dad sighs.

"I was a villain, Aimi. I was a part of the league, I was known as Sharp Shooter."

I stare at my dad for a while, my parents look at each other then back at me. "He was taken by All For One when his mother passed away, he was trained to be a sniper by the league. I was searching for him even though it was said he was dead, I found him one day. After that I worked with him to be a better person, we also got together during that time. Then he joined the police force, blah, blah, blah. You know that story," my father tells me while rubbing my dad's back.

"How did you get away from the league?" I ask as I see an expression of relief fall over my dad's face.

"They came after us, we fought them off but we always thought they they would still come after us but... they haven't. Now that we've seen that they went for your friends we are thinking they know you're our daughter, they will go for you know to get to us," my dad says calmly.

"This box here has both mine and Izuku's knowledge of the league in it, feel free to look through it. We want you prepared for anything," my father tells me as he slides the box over to me. I open the box and look at all the papers with the league's faces on them, there was a lot about them.

"I'll be sure to look through it," I say as I get up. I walk over my dad and give him a tight and loving hug. My father soon joined in, "Thank you for telling me, both of you."

"No problem, Ai. Thank you for accepting," my dad says with a large smile. My father smiles at me and nods at the box, I smile and grab the box. I go up to my room and starting reading each of the papers, I highlight important things along the way. I stop around midnight and head to bed, tomorrow is a new day and I'm prepared for the league whenever they want to show up.

Unedited, sorry for mistakes. Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1147

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