Part 18

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Aimi POV
I watch as Shigaraki launches himself at Yuichi, I was about to go and run to him but Nene stopped me. Then my father blasts himself over there, he punches Shigaraki away from Yuichi. "Stay away from him! He no longer belongs to you!" my father shouts at Shigaraki as he pushes Yuichi over to us.

I quickly run over to Yuichi but I couldn't get there, I was grabbed by... Spinner. I try to get out his grip, but he just holds me tighter. "Dad!" I shout, my dad looks up at the building Spinner brought me on.

"Hold on, Aimi! I'll get you!" my dad shouts. He gives orders to his crew as he starts running over to the building I'm on with a few of his crew behind him. He stops as his crew carries on running, he aims his gun up at where me and Spinner are. "Aimi! Duck!"

I duck as I watch a green line hit Spinner, he releases me as he is flung back. My dad's crew appears from the stairwell, "Come on, Aimi lets go," a familiar female voice says. I look at her, I'm unable to see her face because of the helmet.

"You heard the girl, let's go," a guy says, his voice also familiar. "Move it, girly!" the same voice says but harsher.

"No!" I shout as I step closer to the ledge. "You're Twice and Toga!"

"Quite observant aren't you?" Toga says as she takes the helmet off. She starts running at me, Twice stays back. I panic, I look down below me. My father is still is fighting Shigaraki, my dad is watching him. Seishirou is the only one looking at me, his eyes widen as he realises what I'm about to do.

"Switch my parents, Seishirou!" I shout at him as I step off the building. Although it was all too fast, Seishirou grabbed my father and switched him with my dad while whispering stuff in both of their ears.

"I got you Aimi!" my father says as he jumps up and catches me. "Seishirou, nice work! I need to go help Izuku now," my father runs back into the fight with Shigaraki. A officer of my dad's takes me and Seishirou away from the battle, I look around... I wanna see Yuichi.

As we make it to where most of my dad's men are they sit us down and give us some blankets while checking our conditions. Once they were done I stand up and start looking around, "Aimi, you dad's are still in battle," Seishirou says beside me thinking I was looking for them.

"I know that," I say as I continue to look around with Seishirou following.

"Then who are you looking for?" he asks as I notice Nene.

"Yuichi," I say as I point at Nene.

"NENE!" Seishirou shouts once he saw who I was looking for. He runs over to her as I follow, "I'm glad you made it here safely," he says as he hugs her while gently kissing her forehead.

"I'm glad you two are alright," Nene says as she smile at me and Seishirou. I look around again, "Looking for Yuichi?"

"Yeah..." I say as Nene points to an ambulance.

"He's there," she says as my eyes widen. I quickly run to the ambulance, the blanket I've been trying to hold onto falls off. I stop when I see him lying on a stretcher, I panic and run to his side.

"Yuichi!" I shout as I stand beside him.

"Aimi," Yuichi say while a half-smile. "I'm glad you're safe and alright now."

"But you're not, why are you-" I say as he stops me by gently placing a hand on my cheek.

"I broke my shoulder when Dabi hit me in that wall, I also have a large bruise forming on my back," he tells me as I sigh in relief since it's not as bad as I thought. 

"Ma'am, will you excuse us we have to move him to the hospital," the paramedics says as they adjust somethings with the stretcher.

"Hold on," Yuichi says as the paramedics stop. "Aimi come here," Yuichi holds out his hand, I walk closer to him. He reaches behind my neck and brings me closer to his face, I feel my face heat up. He reaches up and places his lips on mine, he then pulls away quickly after. "I'll see you later."

The paramedics quickly put him into the ambulance and drive away, I watch the ambulance for a while before it turned a corner. I then quickly run to Nene, "NENE!" I yell as I stop in front of her. She stares at me with wide eyes, she then smirks after. "Yuichi kissed me!"

"Finally!" she says as I look at her confused, Seishirou is a bit confused too. "One of the reasons and mostly the main reason for Yuichi wanting to leave was for you, he really likes you Aimi." I blush as I try to hide my face in my hands. Crap... I like him too.

Unedited, sorry for mistakes.
We are officially coming to an end soon, I already have a new book ready. It's a fantasy BakuDeku AU, I have some large ideas for it and I am soooo excited for it. I also might make a Kaneki X reader story since I rewatched Tokyo Ghoul and I forgot how much I love it! Anyways, hope you liked this short chapter, Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 922

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