Part 9

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I follow the twins to their car, a older man gets out and opens the back door. "Good afternoon young masters," he says as he bows politely at the two. He looks at me and his expression changed, it went from nothing to... pity. My bad feeling started to kick in even more than before, but they are sons of heroes how bad can they really be?

"Haru, we'll be taking Aimi home this afternoon," Naoyori says as he enters the car. Haru, the older man, nods as Noritsune lightly pushes me into the car. I sit in between the twins, Haru enters the car and starts driving away.

"I see you've gotten close with Yuichi, do you have a thing for him?" Noritsune asks as his arm goes behind my head and rests on my shoulder.

I blush as I look down at my lap, "Um, I don't know... right n-now," I says with clear uncertainty in my voice.

"Hm... that's good to hear," Noritsune says as Naoyori and him make eye contact. I feel uncomfortable, the twins are acting quite unusual.

"Is there anyone you like in our class, maybe even in another class?" Naoyori asks as I look out the window to see if were close to my house. Still not close.

"Um, no. I'm mostly focused on hero work rather than relationships," I tell them so they could get off my case about that. It didn't work, the two make eye contact again. I can easily tell they weren't pleased with my answer.

"Did you know Aimi, that you are classified at one of the hottest girls' in our class," Noritsune tells me.

"Most of us guys determined that," Naoyori adds on.

I blush while looking down, unable to respond with anything. "Did you also know that there is a competition between most guys in our class," Noritsune says as he lifts my chin up with his free hand.

"The only ones not involved is those close to you, Yuichi, Seishiro, and Rintaro. Want to know the competition?" Naoyori says right after Noritsune.

I don't say anything which gave them a signal to carry on, "It's to have you," they say in unison. I don't say anything yet again since I was in shock, the two boys smirk at each other then look down at me.

"We have arrived at the Bakugou household," Haru says from the front seat. The two boys frown, I nervously wait for one of the boys to get out to allow me out. But that didn't happen right away.

"That's too bad, I wanted to have more fun with Aimi," Naoyori says as he leans towards me.

"I did too, guess it'll have to wait until another time," Noritsune as he removes his hands from me. But neither of them got out still, I wait impatiently now. Suddenly Naoyori turns me towards him and kisses my forehead, Noritsune then leans over and kisses my cheek. Naoyori got out allowing me to get out, I turn to the two boys.

"T-thanks for the ride home... b-bye," I say catching my dad's habit of stuttering. I quickly walk into my house with an almost tomato red face, I take my shoes off and walk to the living room. I see my dad sitting there watching the news, "Dad!" I shout as I fall on the couch.

I land partially on my dad, he chuckles and he finger-combs my hair. "What happened, Ai?" he asks as I let out a heavy sigh.

"Boys," is all I say making my dad laugh."Why are boys so confusing!"

"Same goes for girls, you guys have that thing every month... well I have to deal with Kacchan so I guess it's the same," he says making me laugh this time.

"Well, I feel that I like this guy but he might like someone else. The the Todoroki twin took me home today and they... I think were hitting on me," I tell him as he became a bit more serious.

"Todoroki's twins, huh? If you don't feel comfortable around them then keep your distance, they should catch the hint. If not I'll talk to Momo and Shoto," he says as I nod.

"Thanks dad, I can always count on you to help me."

"I'm glad to hear that, now tell me who this guy is that you like."

"You're such a gossip king."

"I know, come on. Tell me, Ai."

"His name is Yuichi, he's tall, the best looking guy in our class, kind, beautiful midnight purple hair, and light ocean blue eyes."

"Wasn't he one of the three that got taken by the league?"

"Yes, he seems fine after that but I can tell there is something on his mind. Same with Nene and Seishiro, I guess the experience was a little traumatic."

"Just give all of them time and maybe they'll open up."

"Right, when is father getting home?"

"He should be home just in time for dinner, speaking of the league we have somethings to discuss with you after dinner."

"It's about them isn't it?"

"It is and it's important that you know now since they went after your friends."

"Sounds good, I'll be in my room until then," I tell my dad as he nods. I get off him and the couch and go upstairs, I change out of my uniform and into some nice and comfy clothes. I scroll through some social media on my phone to pass time, but then I get a text.

Yuichi💜: Hey

Aimi💚: Hi

Yuichi💜: I thought about what you told me about the person I like

Aimi💚: Ooh!

Aimi💚: Tell me

Yuichi💜: I... really do like them

Aimi💚: Aw!

Aimi💚: I'm sure they like you too

Yuichi💜: I hope so

Yuichi💜: What should I do about the family situation now?

Aimi💚: Good question

Aimi💚: Why don't you talk to the person you like

Aimi💚: Tell them you like them

Aimi💚: Then you should figure it out together

Yuichi💜: That's easier said than done

Aimi💚: I know

Aimi💚: But we always have to face challenges in life

Yuichi💜: You're right

Yuichi💜: Thank you again Aimi

Yuichi POV
I put my phone down on my nightstand, it really isn't that easy Aimi. I'm madly in love with you yet I'm a... villain how are we to work things out? It seems impossible as I think about it more, I can't say anything to Shigaraki or he'll use it to his advantage.

What about Nene and Seishiro? Seishiro was never supposed to be like us, Nene is too sweet to be a villain. And me... I'm a coward. I feared hurting people, I still do yet I do everything mentally now. We are not meant to be in the league... we need to leave.

Unedited... sorry for mistakes. Aimi and Yuichi's relationship is developing but of course there is going to be a lot of bumpy roads. Hehe, Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 1163

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