Part 16

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Aimi POV
With my hands tied behind my back I walk, I walk in between two males. My mouth is covered making it impossible to yell for help, the female behind me makes running away impossible too. I'm trapped, I have no way out.

The building, the building reeks of intimidation. But that doesn't stop their walking, they continue to walk closer and closer to the building. I know what's going to happen and it's making me nervous.

In the building smelt like bloodlust, an endless amount of bloodlust. A shiver goes up my spine once we enter the main room, there stood the worst of the worst. The League of Villains, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner, Mr. Compress, and Kurogiri. They all stood there staring at us, my eyes widen.

"You three have done perfectly, just look at her... she's so scared. This wouldn't of happened if your dad didn't leave us for a damn hero," Shigaraki says as he lifts my chin up.

I wanna say something so bad but I can't, I glare at him as tears escape my eyes. "Aw, Shigaraki you made her cry. Poor thing, your in good hands," Toga says with a wide smirk.

My eyes widen for real this time, not like the acting I was doing. Dabi takes the cloth that wrapped around my mouth off, I take in a deep breath. "Anything you wanna say Aimi?" Dabi asks as he steps back from me.

"Why would I be in good hands with villains?" I ask, my emotions were an act but the question came from my core.

"Oh, well of course you're bait to get your dads here. But why would they come if you're not being threatened?" Shigaraki says as he steps closer to me. "You know what we're going to do, torture the beauty right out of you, hang you on posters around the city for your poor dads to see you bleeding to death. It'll be beautiful to see little Izuku come back to me crying, wanting to protect you. He'll do anything for you, you know?"

My eyes widen in real fear, these people are insane! I can tell Yuichi is starting to lose patience, Nene is holding back tears, and Seishirou feels the same as me. They are doing great at keeping the act together, but before I could say anything back to Shigaraki he was right in my face.

"Time to start," he says as he takes me away from Seishirou's and Yuichi's grips. He starts walking away with me and shoves me into a room, Dabi walks in and shuts the door behind him. "Take good care of her, Dabi," Shigaraki says through the door.

"Will do," Dabi says in return. Dabi looks at me and smirks as blue flames surface on his skin, I swallow a large lump in my throat. Why aren't the heroes doing anything? Dabi gets closer to me, I start pushing myself away from him with my legs. But my back soon hits a wall, Dabi smirks and all I see is blue.

Yuichi POV
I watch as Shigaraki drags Aimi away, this isn't good. This is much worse than we anticipated, when will the heroes step in? I really want to do something right now but I can't, the minute I do anything to help Aimi the minute I am suspected as a traitor.

"Yuichi, my boy," Shigaraki says as he steps in front of me. "You did wonderfully, same goes for you Nene and Seishirou. We're all very proud of you, go ahead and head home. We'll meet you there."

"But what about-" I start to say but Shigaraki interrupts me.

"Dabi's taking care of her, did you want to torture her too?" Shigaraki asks as he gets oddly close to my face.

"No, I'm alright. We'll be taking our leave now," I say as Nene and Seishirou follow me out of the large room. We walk down the hallway to the exit, but I stop when I heard the last thing that made me snap. Aimi's screaming.

Midoriya's POV
I'm crying, no that's an understatement. I'm balling my eyes out right now, my poor Aimi. I look at Kacchan who's squatting down and holding a headset to his ear, he's so quiet. He's starting to scare me with his silent treatment, "K-Kacchan... what's happening?" I ask as he doesn't say anything for a while.

"Kacchan? W-why aren't we doing anything right now?"

"Kacchan, talk to me."

"Come on, tell me what's going on."

"I can't stand this, I wanna go in."

Kacchan finally stands up, he looks at me with tears ready to leave his eyes. "We have to wait a bit more, there isn't a good time to attack right now. I know it's hard, I'm hating what I'm hearing. They are horrible people," Kacchan tells me as he pulls me into a light embrace.

"W-will she be alright?" I ask nervously as I look up at Kacchan.

"She's our daughter, she's going to be perfectly fine," Kacchan assures me. "Now standby, we can attack soon. We'll destroy those bastards once and for all." I smile as I standby, I'm fully prepared to fight Shigaraki. That bastard has messed with my family, he's going to suffer for that.

Unedited, sorry for mistakes.
Lots of POV's, I know. But I feel like it makes this soon-to-be battle better, Virgo 100% out✌🏻

Word count: 905

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