Waiting Here

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(Y/n) Experiences her first classes with Spencer.


"Getting me ready" consisted mostly of Spencer walking me around the club, telling me where everything was should he ask for it or I need it during the night. He also showed me the green room, where we would be waiting between sessions in order to decompress and debrief after to make sure I was comfortable. By the time we returned to the bar area, the lights had been turned off, and the accent red lights had been turned on, shadowing the entire club in a red glow. Spencer had kept his hand on my shoulder the entire time, and when he brushed his hand over the back of my neck, I felt goosebumps raise over my flesh.

"You really should put your hair up, It makes life easier for everyone." He commented, letting his fingers run through my hair as he spoke. I closed my eyes slightly against the feeling and nodded. "Do you have a hair tie?" Again I nodded, pulling two from my back pocket. He made a motion with his finger to tell me to turn around, and once again, his hand was on my shoulder, guiding me to a table and setting me down in a chair. I stared straight ahead slightly confused.

"I.. I can do it." I said quietly when I felt him start to brush my hair out with his long fingers.

"I'm sure you can, but I want it done a certain way." The dominance in the sentence made my heart stutter again, and I sat still, letting him manipulate my hair as he wanted. I felt him part it in the middle, and when his hand appeared by my face, I instinctively handed him an elastic and he tied away a portion. Then I felt him start at the front of my hair and with practiced ease, he brought my hair back down to my neck in a perfectly tight braid.

To my surprise, he never once tugged painfully at my scalp, and I actually found myself relaxing into the attention, my breathing getting deeper as I let him do as he wished. His hand once again appeared in front of me and I handed him the other tie, letting him tie off the braid. He did the same to the other side, and when it was done he could have asked me to drink poison and I would have, I was putty in his hands. He brought me once again to my feet and smirked knowingly at the slightly blissed out look on my face.

"There, now not only can I see your beautiful face, but your hair is out of the way for our demonstrations too." His hands cupped either side of my face, bringing me to look at him, but I couldn't meet his eyes, still hung up on the compliment he gave me. He cleared his throat gently, and my eyes flicked up to his, earning me a soft and approving smile.

The rules that he had given me for the night were simple for the time being, firstly, I was to obey his orders unless undue harm would come to me or others, second I was to tell him immediately if I was uncomfortable or scared "no" meaning exactly that additionally the Club's safeword of Red was always in play, lastly, no one was to touch me without my permission, and if anyone did, I was to tell him immediately. No punishment for failing to obey, "for now" he had added with a wink. Which only served to make me blush furiously. He seemed to love doing that, because he grinned, and then placed a light kiss on my forehead, a teasing action meant to only make me blush further.

By the time 8 pm rolled around, we were waiting in the greenroom, sharing a couch. Spencer had pulled my legs over his and his hand laying over my ankles. We had gotten into this position when my shoe had come untied, and he had tutted, spouting off some random fact about the various serious injuries that could result from tripping on shoelaces, none of which I believed was actually factual. I had expressed as much and he gave me a dangerous look which made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Are you questioning me?" He dared me. I narrowed my eyes and bit my tongue, fighting back my attitude that I was slowly using the more he teased me.I had the sneaking suspicion that he noticed too.

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