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All is forgiven.

Inserting the thing wasn't hard, it was the walking with it in that took some getting used to. I awkwardly shifted, adjusting my shirt over my shoulders for the thousandth time. It was long sleeved, but I still felt like I could see the cuffs through the dark fabric. I slipped on the sweatpants, and finally took a breath, waddling my way into the living room where Spencer had set up a computer of his own and was standing over it, typing at an inhuman speed. His eyes drifted up and I paused, unsure of what to do. He nodded his head to his side where a second desk had been cleared, and another laptop had been placed. I nodded, clearing my throat as I passed him and used my identification card in a CAC reader that Spencer had plugged in for me, correctly assuming I needed it.

He waited until I was signed in and therefore on the clock before he moved. I felt his hand on the base of my neck, right above the bone protruding on my nape and I froze again, my hands stilling over the keyboard. His lips hovered beside my ear and I felt my eyelids fight to close. I forced them to stay open, breathing heavily at his presence. "From now until the end of our work day, you are going to behave. I have a meeting to attend to, you are going to remain silent, create too much noise, and you will not like the consequences." I replied in the affirmative, and he moved away from me.

How hard was it going to be to keep quiet? The keys barely made any noise, and I didn't even have any music to play. Unless he was really listening, he wasn't going to hear anything. That was until I heard the call coming in, and then felt the vibrator kick to life between my legs. I sucked in a breath, surprised, and my eyes darted to Spencer who only spared me a glance as he placed his phone face up on the desk top.

"Reid, how's (Y/n)?" Came a familiar voice on the other side of the line.

"She's fine, she's working from here today." Spencer responded, a kind smile on his face completely a contrast to the look he had just sent me.

"Tell her we're all thinking of her." came another voice and he looked to me, his face much softer as he smiled.

"She knows." He replied, before Penelope's voice broke through the noise and began rattling off information about a new case. I tried to drown it out, focusing on my own work, breaking down a client's statement for a translator to read in court the next week. Soon the feeling between my legs was at the back of my mind and I was able to focus on the task at hand.

Spencer didn't like this, apparently, because it increased in speed and the pattern changed, a huff of air leaving me as my hips jolted. I glared at him over my shoulder, but he ignored me, instead just brushing his hand over his chin, acting as though he was completely enthralled in the meeting before him. Eventually he did crack, glancing over at me and sending me a clandestine wink. Fuck him.

More determined than ever to win, I doubled down, editing the statement a few more times before I sent it to the paralegal on our team to look over. I pulled out another case, flicking across the words on the screen to find what I was looking for. But soon my eyes blurred and I was only focusing on the feelings that were growing in my abdomen. Spencer's meeting must have ended, because I heard his chair turn and creak as he looked at me. "Distracted?" He teased.

I ignored him, shaking my head as I re-read a paragraph for the tenth time. He didn't like that at all, and soon I felt his hand on my chin, turning my head to face him. "Ignoring me isn't a smart plan, (Y/n)."

"Not ignoring, trying to work." I grit out, panting slightly as I pulled my head from his grasp, closing the tab and instead scrolling through the articles my boss had sent me to look over and write a review for. Spencer's hand was in my hair in an instant, pulling my head back as he crowded my space, towering over me.

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