Free The Beautiful

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Jennie should be a relationship councilor.

I woke up at 8:30 to my stomach growling. Half of me debated ordering in, but then I remembered how I had splurged and bought not only everything bagels, but also avocado and capers, promising I would treat myself. Excited, I rolled out of bed, the sound of Daisy groaning in protest from her side of the bed making me laugh as I called over my shoulder to her. She groaned, then followed on my heel as I made my way to the kitchen. Turning on the radio and pressing play on my phone for a playlist to listen to, I shimmied as I danced to turn on my toaster and collect the things I needed for my breakfast.

Daisy was laying in her bed, watching me and I tossed her a bit of ham that I had pulled out for myself to munch on and her little tail wagged quickly as she sat up and snatched it out of the air. I tossed her another one, just as the toaster dinged and my bagel popped up, the slight burning smell of the toppings making my mouth water.

Carefully pulling it out and dropping it on the counter to cool, I cut up an avocado and laid it on top, dropping on some capers and then topping it all off with a bit of balsamic. It was all very artsy, and I couldn't help snapping the picture to post on my instagram. A clever caption later and I was sitting on the breakfast bar swinging my legs over the side of the counter as I ate, humming happily along to a song.

It was only when I found myself considering going on a run that day did I stop and assess myself. It had been years since I woke up by myself at 8:30, and months since I made my own breakfast with enough pride to post it on social media. A quick glance to my still swinging legs and I swallowed, confusion on my face. "Okay what the actual fuck." I hadn't been this... happy, in a long time. My heart felt light, my mind was at peace, and I actually was excited to see the day.

I had never realized how stagnant my life in Maine had become. I had started taking a few classes to work on my masters, but every other time of my day was taken up either by taking care of my family, or working at the local library. I was in DC now, I had a job that didn't suck my soul completely out of my body, yet. And I had a stress reliever that I never knew I needed.

The serotonin running through my body was almost addictive. As if he read my mind, I felt my phone buzz by my leg and saw the phone light up with Spencer's name. I slid open the phone, taking the last bite of my toast as I did.

Just checking in, how are you feeling this morning?

I smiled at the text, I felt amazing, rejuvenated, like my entire life had been leading up to me living here, on my own, in a city I had never been to. It was like life finally fell into place and that place was here. It wasn't perfect, but I was happy, truly, honestly happy. I really prayed it wasn't temporary.

I feel great, I made myself some breakfast and I was planning on maybe going on a run.

He responded quickly, and I was almost surprised expecting him to leave the conversation at that.

It's supposed to get up to 96 today. Is that smart?

I glanced at my smart watch, swiping along the screen to reveal the current temperature, I nearly gagged when it was already in the 80s at 9 in the morning.

I guess not... maybe a trip to the park then. I want to get outside.

It was a strange sense of wondering if maybe I needed to be a bit more formal with him, but then again, he could just be being protective. He said that was part of his aftercare, maybe he was feeling a bit anxious?

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