Deep Water

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(Y/n) Sees a different side of Spencer, or, two different sides of him.

Finishing up the class, Spencer and I returned to the green room and collapsed into the couch, both of us on opposite sides. I kicked my feet up, resting them beside his hip as he stretched out his feet across the floor. "I'm starving." I groaned, grabbing my stomach dramatically. Spencer chuckled, pulling my feet into his lap and pulling on the tail of one of the laces to make them come undone. I protested, glaring at him and he just retied them, just to pull them undone again.

I gave up after the third time and he just smirked. "We can order food from the bar if you want." He offered, looking over at me before holding up the menu. I made grabby hands at him, and his eyebrows shot up, holding the menu away from me. I rolled my eyes.

"Can I please have the menu, Spencer?" There was no need for honorifics here. He smirked again and handed me the folder, not before pulling it from me as a joke once. "What do you want?" I asked, my eyes already scanning the menu for nachos or some kind of fries.

"Those jalapeno popper fries are good." He suggested, tipping his head back and closing his eyes. I made a face of consideration before flipping through the pages to find it. When I did my mouth watered.

"Oh I am so down." I commented, just moments before Spencer removed my legs from his and stood. "I can get it." I protested, but he was already halfway out the door.

"Drink?" Was his only reply, and I nodded. He didn't wait for my reply as to what kind, so I assumed that was up to him. And like that, I was alone in the green room. But not for long, Desiree popped her head in from another door and looked around. Not finding who she was looking for, she pouted, but her face lit up when she saw me.

"(Y/n)! Hey girly! How's your first night going?" She chirped, rushing over to sit in a chair across from me.

I smiled, her personality and positivity infectious. "I'm doing great! This is not what I was expecting but it has been really fun so far." She nodded quickly.

"You guys are getting great reviews! I mean, Spencer always does," She waved off the compliment and I couldn't help but giggle. "But with you?" She flopped back dramatically. "People love you! They think you and Spencer have great chemistry." I paled. Did people really think that? And why? We really barely interacted at all.

"They do?" She nodded, once again looking around the room, I now realized she was looking for Spencer.

"Yea, where is that little shit anyway?" She even took the time to check behind her chair. She was an odd girl.

"He's gone to get us some snacks." I replied, pulling my feet up bracing them on the edge of the table in front of me, resting my arms on my knees and my chin on my arms.

"Oh what a gentleman, okay, well, when you see him, let him know I was looking for him and that none of its urgent." I nodded, slightly confused and watched as she bounded away like a goth deer and disappeared into the door she entered from.

As if it was a scooby doo skit, Spencer entered from the opposite door carrying our two drinks. My heart skipped when I realized he had remembered what I drank and had brought it to me. Granted, we had only shared that drink two hours ago, it still touched my heart that he remembered. Aiden didn't even remember my favourite candy after three years of dating. "One Cherry Coke for the lady." He said dramatically, placing the cup down in front of me, and then set his own down beside it. "A lady who should get her feet, off the table." He switched to his dominant voice, and yet I couldn't help the glare I gave him while I slowly removed my feet from the table.

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