What No One Says

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Happy Fourth...


"And what's crazy is that the reason we have two terms of four years is entirely because Washington was just tired... like he just went home." I said, licking a long stripe up the side of my frozen yogurt, Spencer nodding as he did the same, staring up at the Washington Monument as we took a break in the slowly growing heat. We found a wall to sit on and I was sitting cross legged, facing him, while he sat in a much more adult way, both feet on the ground. "I mean, if you think about it, there are so many things with American culture that could have been completely different from how we know it for some crazy reasons."

I wiped at my face as I too, turned to look to the top of the monument. "Everything in life is circumstantial, we as humans just take the time to make things make tangible sense." Spencer said, turning to look at me, I nodded, then narrowed my eyes at him.

"Psychologist?" Spencer grinned, taking a moment to think.

"Hmm, getting warmer." He teased, and I felt my heart stutter.

"Shut the fuck up, no way really?" I said, his eyes giving me a warning look only barely registering in my mind as I sat up straighter, excited. "I'm actually getting close?"

"Yes, you are. Now watch your mouth." His eyes drifted around the park to the families surrounding us before pinning me with another warning gaze. "There are children around."

I rolled my eyes, which only earned me a stern raise of his eyebrows. I took the warning this time. "Sorry, Sir. I got excited." I replied quietly. He only nodded, turning his attention to a young boy who was running down the walkway, his mother desperately trying to catch him while her arms were full with a smaller child. I watched him carefully for a moment, my body already starting to stand the moment I saw his foot catch on a brick and start careening forward.

Just as he hit the ground, chin first, I shot up getting to him moments before his mother cried out in panic. He was starting to cry, and I was shushing him before the first tears fell. "You're okay! It's okay, just a bump, hey you're okay." He was sucking in deep painful breaths looking up to me as I crouched beside him. Spencer was beside me in a moment, handing me the napkins from our frozen yogurt and the water bottle I had stuffed in my back. I poured a bit of water on it, dabbing at the dirt and grit in the cut, just as the boy's mother arrived.

"Archie! I told you not to run away from Mommy!" She said in that angry concerned way that all mothers know too well. "I'm so sorry." She said, directing it to me. I just waved her off.

"No worries ma'am, you have your hands full and I'm trained in first aid response. I have a certification card if you want to see it." I offered as I dug in my purse for both the card and my pack of bandaids I carry for this very reason. She shook her head, shushing the baby on her hip who was starting to get upset at the crying of her brother.

"No, that's okay, thank you." She said, directing this both at myself and Spencer who was trying to distract the younger of the children from the scene before her.

"Hey buddy, any more places that hurt?" Archie shook his head, wiping at his face to clear the tears. "Okay, see you're okay! And you got a cool bandaid too! I'm jealous." I said, pointing to the bandage that was covered in batman symbols. I reached into my bag and handed the little girl a frozen themed bandaid, pasting it on her finger. I knew children, and if one had a cool bandage, the other wanted one too.

The young mother gave me a look of gratitude before she took Archie's hand and led him away. He was no longer crying and was actually laughing and skipping beside his mother. I felt Spencer's hand on my back, and before I registered what happened, we were behind a public bathroom building, and my back was against a wall, his hands on my hips and lips on my neck. I stood in confused shock for just a moment before I registered what was happening and my eyes fluttered closed.

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