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Giving in to temptation, finally.

Running barefoot through grass activates some kind of instinct in my body. A nostalgic romanticised version of my childhood that always seems to mean ice cream and sun burns, long days at the pool and adventures in the woods of Maine. But the pounding of my feet was not alone on the soil, and the confident thumping of Spencer's feet behind me were slowly catching up with me, and I felt another instinct take over as I leaned forward and started to sprint in earnest. My breath was coming in hot puffs and I had shed the light cardigan I had been wearing leaving me in just my sleep shorts and tank top.

I was just about to break the tree line changing the landscape into something I was confident this city boy had no experience in when his arm circled my waist and swung me around. I yelped, bracing my hands on his arm, momentum tossing us forward, and he rolled, landing on his back before flipping and kneeling over me, his knees on either side of my hips his hands braced above me. I stared up at him in shock.
Mentally, I made a note to tell Grace that there was no way in hell this guy was a stock broker. We were both panting, and there was a wild look on Spencer's face, like there was another instinct activated in him too. I licked my lips and his eyes followed the movement, only breaking away from it when I spoke in between gulps of air. "Any chance you speak Arabic?" I panted, laughing awkwardly when his eyes met mine in a serious expression, before his face twisted in confusion.

"What?" He replied, only barely out of breath.

"Nothing." I replied, attempting to sit up, but his hand was on my shoulder pushing me back to the ground with a shove. I let out an 'oof' of air, glaring up to him, but then shrinking under the unrelenting look he gave me, his eyes hard and searching.

"You wanna tell me what that little stunt was?" He demanded, forcing my hands away from my chest where I subconsciously crossed them to protect myself. I pushed against his hands, but the grips on my wrist were strong, and from this angle, I wasn't in any position to push him off, at least, not yet.

"Ok, so maybe not hitman," I deflected, searching his eyes, waiting for him to shift his weight just slightly. "But, manhunter? That makes sense, but you don't look like you could run very far." I was rambling now, trying to distract him as I brought my feet up to lay flat on the ground. "Though I don't doubt you have stamina, something tells me you didn't run track in college and it was probably for good reason." He opened his mouth to protest, and I felt it, the shift as he tried to lean over me.

I pushed my hips up using my feet on the ground and the look of shock on his face as I threw him off balance and rolled out from under him was priceless, just for a few moments before I felt him grab my arm and pull me back as I tried to get to my feet, pulling me against his chest before wrapping me in a vice like grip, holding me to him. I gave up at that, and when he felt me stop struggling, he loosened slightly.

I felt his breath fan hot over my neck, and since he wasn't able to see me, I let my eyes slip closed at the feeling. "I'm getting really tired of you testing me." He growled lowly in my ear and I smirked.

"No you're not." I challenged with a slight laugh, and instead of the smirk I expected, I felt the arm across my chest shoot up and grip my neck the same way he did at the club, and instantly I fell quiet.

"Shut your mouth, you so much as think about speaking again and I'll make your night hell, understood?" I nodded, and the hand across my waist shifted, thumbing the edge of my shorts, debating. He was quiet a moment, and I squirmed in his grip, both excited and nervous. "You need me to stop, say so." I nodded again, and bit my lip. Holy shit it was happening. I was finally going to feel his hands on me... actually on me.

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