Run Through Walls

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(Y/n) Spends the night at Spencer's place.

It felt like an eternity before Spencer came to collect me from the bathroom, Daisy growling momentarily before she realized who it was and slunk away to hide under the bed. I looked up at him from my place on the floor and he extended his hand, helping me to my feet. "He's gone." He said as a way to answer my nervous look as he led me to the living room. One of the women from the party was there, speaking quietly to a cop. Spencer nodded to her and she smiled sadly to me.

"Hi, (Y/n). As much as I love hanging out with you guys I'd rather it not be under these circumstances." I smiled nervously, looking to the place Keith had been, not even a red spot to indicate what had happened.

"(Y/n), this is Emily, she's my supervisor. She wants your statement okay?" I nodded, looking to the woman as she smiled kindly and brought me over to a chair to sit in. When we sat I couldn't help the awkward clearing of my throat.

"So... you're Emily?" I said with a guilty tilt of my head.

She smirked and nodded. "That I am..." her eyes narrowed playfully. "Should I be worried?"

I shook my head and laughed, relaxing slightly. "No! No, I uhm.. I heard Spencer talking to someone on the phone named Emily and..." I trailed off, letting her fill in the blanks. She nodded, an amused look on her face.

"I want to start off by saying that I am so sorry this happened to you." I nodded, uncomfortable. "But, could you explain to me who this man was?"

My eyes flicked to Spencer, who had taken control of the police department, his confident squared off shoulders comforting. At least one of us was calm. "Uhm.. He.. well." I shifted in my seat. How could I explain our connection without incriminating Spencer, or myself. "We.. worked at the same club-"

"The Red Lounge?" She said, scribbling in her notebook. I paused, nodding carefully. Her eyes flicked up to mine and she nodded encouragingly. "It's okay, Spencer told me. I've been a few times myself." She replied calmly and I was shocked, shaking my head to clear the fog from my head.

"Yea.. when I first met him, he was extremely creepy, and he was harassing my friend, Jennie. And I guess he had been for a while. Spencer tried to get him kicked out, but there wasn't much he could do. Then he came to my work and harassed me, forcing me to quit. We then found out that he had been stalking a lot of us on social media-" I began to ramble, but she didn't mind at all, just taking in all my story with the professionalism required of her job. "Last I heard from him, Jennie was getting a restraining order, and Grace and Angel were doing what they could to get one for themselves, but they didn't think they had a strong enough case for it. I'm sure their lawyer would be willing to vouch." I finished, wringing my hands anxiously. Emily nodded, closing her notebook and placing a hand on my arm.

"You're going to be okay, (Y/n). You aren't in any trouble, and neither is Spencer. He followed protocol. All you need to worry about is feeling safe." I relaxed considerably at that and she smiled, nodding to someone behind me as she stood. Spencer came into view moments later, taking my hands in his.

"Are you okay?" I nodded numbly. Spencer turned my hand over in his, pressing his fingers to my pulsepoint, pausing a few seconds to count. His face fell into a frown but I covered his hand with my free one, holding him tightly.

"I'm okay, I promise. Just a little frazzled." He looked up, meeting my eyes for a moment before he reluctantly nodded.

"When did you get a gun?" He asked suddenly and I froze. I pulled my hand from him and he looked up, concerned.

The Red Lounge ~Spencer Reid x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now