There's No Way

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How do we fall in love? One moment at a time, or all at once?

Waking up engulfed in someone's arms was a foreign feeling to me, Aiden and I shared a bed often, and only rarely did I wake up in his arms, or with him still in the bed. I froze for a moment, trying to get my bearings, and when I glanced at the clock it was just past 1pm. Daisy was laying beside my bed, her large head tilting this way and that as she looked at me. My eyes traced down to the arm around my waist and then over my shoulder to see Spencer's face buried in my shoulder, partially covered by my hair, his right arm crooked around me and poking out under my pillow.

I smiled, shifting back into his embrace, which tightened at the movement and he breathed in deeply behind me, slowly returning to the waking world. I felt his lips brush against my shoulder and I turned in his arms, placing my hands on his chest as his eyes half opened, a sleepy smile on his face. "Hi." He said quietly, and I responded by kissing his nose.

"Hi." I echoed, tracing my hands back over his shoulders and around his neck. "How did you sleep?"

He smiled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. "Better than I have in months." He replied honestly and I preened under the compliment.

"Me too." I replied, resting my head on his shoulder. "You must have had a hard day, you were out like a light." He huffed a laugh, closing his eyes again as he rested his forehead on mine.

"You have no idea." He said against my skin and I furrowed my brow, tilting my head back.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He sighed, taking a moment before he pulled his head back to look me in the eye, one of his hands coming to cup my face.

"No, not really." I nodded in understanding, tucking my head against his chest again, my eyes wanting to close to sleep again. "We should get up." He said after a moment and I groaned in protest. "Come on, I think we both need a shower."

"Is that you telling me I stink?" I retorted, not looking up from where I had started gently kissing his skin.

"No, that's me telling you I see grass in your hair." My hand shot up to pull it out of my hair but he snatched my wrist out of the air and laughed. "Don't make me drag you out." His voice shifted into a lower octave and I groaned again, this time for an entirely other reason. "I'm not asking again." He said dangerously and I sighed loudly.

"Ugh, fine!" I rolled away from him tossing my sheets away from my body, sitting on the edge of the bed and extending my hands up over my head as I stretched, looking out the slats in the window as I did. "I'm going to take Daisy out for a quick walk, why don't you shower first." I offered, reaching for a sweater to wear instead of grabbing a bra. It may be hot outside, but I didn't really feel like struggling with a bra yet.

I heard him shift on the bed and turned to watch him sit up and rub his face with his hands a few times. I noticed a scar on his shoulder, where his neck met the curve of his back. I traced over his back and noticed other scars, like a white one on his thigh, and another on his arm. I furrowed my brow, and then caught his eyes in the mirror on my wall. He was watching me. I smiled softly, acting as if I didn't see them. If he wanted to tell me about them, then he would. "Turn the handle all the way to the right and then pull it out, there's a little knob you need to switch over to get a shower." I said as I stood, slipping my feet into a pair of flip flops before expertly tying my hair up and striding out of my room, snatching Daisy's leash as I did. She hopped up from her place by the bed and trotted after me.

Once I was outside, I immediately called Jennie who answered after the second ring, must be her day off. "Hey Gorgeous! How are you doing? You okay?" I didn't even bother to answer, instead I spilled out my heart telling her everything that had transpired the night before. She was stunned into silence for a while, and right when I considered hanging up she screamed into the phone so loud I had to pull the phone away from my face. "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU SERIOUS!? YOU GUYS FUCKING IN A PARK!? FUCK OUTTA HERE."

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