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A moment in time, potential for anything, as delicate as the first fall of snow.

September came and went, and before I knew it, I had learned the real reason behind Keith's infiltration into my apartment. It turns out, once he found out that Jennie had gotten a restraining order, he snapped, threatening all the girls on staff that he could find. Angel and Grace had moved during August, so he wasn't able to find them, me, however, he found when he had broken into the Red Lounge, and found my file on Desiree's desk, she had left it out to process my resignation, and with it, he found my address, phone number and the like.

He had paid a considerable amount of money, so I was told, to some hacker who broke into my phone (Which explained why my phone was acting so strangely, causing me to have to buy a new one), to access my notes where I had kept the code to my security system. That was also how he knew I was home, he had an alert on his phone that would ping should I go back into my house.

It all seemed very excessive just to terrorize me, but then again, maybe it wasn't only about me. As luck, or whatever you wanted to call it, would have it. One of Keith's buddies had been locked up with Spencer when he was in prison, and when he was released, had told Keith all about him, and how Spencer had gotten his sentence extended due to a fight. Bad blood festered, and when Keith's buddy was connected and subsequently arrested for some drug scandal that Spencer's team uncovered, (Which was how Desiree got her job), Keith had it out for him from day one.

All of this created what Spencer called a stressor, which was set off by the trigger of Jennie's restraining order. "It makes people do horrible things." Spencer had explained. And as we sat in the cafe, watching as the city set up for the fall festivities, I stared at the leaves that began to fall in the breeze. It was hard, I decided, to know so much about how ordinary people were one moment away from murder. I suppose that's why it happened so often right? "Baby, you okay?"

"Hmm?" I asked, suddenly brought out of my mind by his voice again. I lifted my mug of hot apple cider to my lips blowing on it even though it was almost cold now. I drank it anyway, the remaining heat soothing a sore throat that was growing.

"Are you alright?" I nodded, smiling gently.

"I'm fine, Spence." I said quietly, resting my gloved hand on his. It was a strangely cold October morning, they had predicted possibly snow tonight, and I couldn't decide if I wanted it to fall or not.

He shifted uncomfortably, pulling out something from his pocket. I stared at him curiously as he placed the white enveloped on the table. It was folded, and crinkled slightly, but the FBI emblem on the corner piqued my interest and I sat up straighter. "I uhm... I didn't know when a good time to give you this would be." He started and I placed my mug down in anticipation.

"What is this?" I asked nervously.

"I need to preface this with please don't be angry with me." My heart stuttered, but I just shook my head. We had agreed, no more secrets, no more anger. We were adults, we needed to act like it. "When we were in Maine... Kristen said something that got me thinking." I flinched. My soon to be sister in law was always a touchy subject. We hadn't talked much since the trial. And not really at all after my mother died.

"You're making me nervous." I replied honestly, and he turned his hand that was under mine, taking it and holding it reassuringly.

"I looked into your father's death." He said suddenly. So suddenly I was glad that I hadn't still had my drink in my hand. I pulled my hand from his quickly, but he extended it to me, and I relented, allowing him to hold me again. I realized this wasn't comfort for me, but for him. "And What I found, what... what my team found... is in here." He pushed the letter forward, the sealed envelope now more sinister on the table

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