My Oh My

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(Y/n) meets the most hated member of The Red Lounge, and wonders if maybe she was catching feelings a bit too fast.

(Yes I know this one is cheesy, sue me).

Spencer's body language changed the moment he opened the door and saw who was on the other side of it. A man, probably in his 40s or 50s was leaning against the small dry bar in the green room, a young woman, in her early to mid 30s sitting on her knees by his side, not looking anywhere. When she heard the door open however, her eyes darted up and the look of relief that crossed her face when she saw Spencer made me uneasy.
The man against the bar's eyes narrowed when he saw us, and against my better judgement I stepped slightly behind Spencer, his body turning and his arm going around me in a protective manner while he rendered a pleasant smile to the man against the bar. "Keith, I didn't know you were working tonight. Hello Jennie." He said, directing the second half to the woman on the floor. I watched as her mouth curled in a small nervous smile.

"I'm not. Here as a guest tonight." His foot kicked out slightly pointing to the girl at his feet. "Saw my friend Jennie and decided to come say hi." If I'd never met a snake oil salesman in my life, I had now. Seriously, if you were to draw this man, he'd have a striped suit, a monocle and a curly mustache. No doubt if this guy was accused of murder everyone would believe it. He was a living red flag. Well, enough comparisons ran through my head to this guy, that I almost didn't hear Spencer's response.

"You know that you're not allowed to be back here unless you're working." He replied with such authority that I almost felt like I was being scolded. Jennie tensed, and I wanted to go to her. I glanced up at Spencer, and almost like he read my mind, he let me go.

"Uhm.. Jennie, can.. Can you come with me to the bathroom?" Keith, at the bar, glared at me and then directed his gaze to Spencer.

"You're going to let her leave without asking you?" Spencer's voice was venom. Even snake oil salesmen had to be careful.

"You know as well as I do that this room is neutral ground, and yes, she is allowed to go wherever she pleases. Unlike you I'm not a sadist with my submissives' bodily functions. If she feels safer going to the bathroom with Jennie, then she's going to go with Jennie." Jennie almost instantly scrambled to her feet, taking my offered hand and giving me a look of desperate thanks.

A quick glance over my shoulder as I passed Keith was rewarded with a look of pride in Spencer's eyes as I helped the poor girl escape this tense situation. In all honesty, I did have to go to the bathroom. And with only a 15 minute down time between our last class and the next, I was using this as my chance. Jennie and I made it to the employee bathroom only a few moments later and she rushed inside, pulling me with her. Just as we crossed the threshold, she wrapped me in her arms and held me tightly.

Concerned, I wrapped my arms around her tightly and brought her to sit on the covered lid of the toilet. "Hey.Hey you're okay." I shushed, reaching out for a paper towel to wipe at the first tears threatening her makeup. "I'm right here, you're okay." I said quietly, crouching before her to hold her hands similarly to how Spencer had held mine earlier. "Hey, Jennie, can you tell me five things you see?" I knew a panic attack coming when I saw one.

"T..the air freshener." She started, hesitantly after her confusion gave way to wanting to comply. "The toilet paper holder, your harness, the painting, the soap dispenser." I smiled, nodding.

"Good! Four things you hear?" I added encouragingly.

"The, the music, your voice, my heartbeat."

"Three things you smell." In a bathroom the choices were limited, and not wholly pleasant, but they were there.

"Lavender," The air freshener. "Bleach?" The toilet cleaner. "Musk?" My perfume.

The Red Lounge ~Spencer Reid x Reader ~Where stories live. Discover now