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He's always got to ruin a good day doesn't he?

The bell of the tattoo shop chimed cheerfully as Jennie and I passed through, both of us holding two coffees. I handed Angel hers, and Grace took the one Jennie offered her. The shop was mostly empty, considering it was 3pm on a Thursday, and the other artists had broken for lunch, leaving the place just for us. "So, (Y/n), how are you feeling? Still ready to do this?" I nodded to Grace, despite the butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Yes, I have been thinking about this for years, I can't believe it's really happening." I replied, pulling off my jean jacket and draping it over a chair as I spoke. "You just tell me what you need me to do." The four of us were in a back room with a curtain over the door and Grace nodded to my shorts.

"Take those off." I paled, and the other girls smirked at my blush. "Oh please, we're all friends here." Grace dismissed me and I laughed, relaxing as the other girls didn't seem bothered by my sudden need to be naked. I obeyed, slipping the canvas shorts off and laying them on the same chair as my coat. Only when I heard Grace suck in a breath and try to hide a laugh with a cough did I look down.

My blush returned in full force. There was a definite red blue and purple handprint on my left inner thigh. It was hidden normally by the fabric of my pants, but now, you couldn't not see it. "Holy shit!" Angel chirped, rushing over and squatting by my leg to look at it. "Is this from Spencer?!" I cleared my throat, nodding nervously.

"Damn! What'd you do to earn that?" Jennie teased, already knowing the answer. I glared at her.

"Well I don't know, it probably happened some time between us fucking in the park and going home for the night." The room, satisfyingly, went silent.

Grace stared at me with a newfound respect and Angel just whistled. "Brutal." Angel replied before standing and returning to the stool she had claimed, spinning in it once. "And I thought I was mean." She replied, which only made Grace scoff. Angel shot her a look which she ignored, and nodded for me to hop up on the bench. She produced the stencil from her book and, using a razor, shaved the area on my thigh and wet it down.

While she did, Jennie kicked her feet up on another chair. "I wish we knew more about his life, I mean, does he ever talk about co-workers? It's crazy that we know so much about his sex life but nothing about his vanilla life." She said, opening a bag of doritos and offering some to Angel. She took a handful and shrugged. I had no idea how a girl as small as her could eat so much and stay so skinny.

It was then I realized that I did know at least something. "Rossi... Dave Rossi." I said calmly, causing all three girls to look first between themselves, and then at me.

"What?" Grace said, her hand stilling on my thigh as she adjusted the position of the stencil.

"He answered a work phone, and he said the name Dave Rossi." I said, looking between them.

"Hold up, isn't that the author guy?" Angel nearly shouted, and Grace shook her head, attention returning to my leg.

Jennie's eyebrows furrowed. "The serial killer guy? Grace isn't that the guy you went to the book signing for?"

"Shut up." Grace warned, her face going red.

"Wait, that's not the... OH!" Jennie said, her eyes going wide, I looked between them, confused. There was history here I didn't understand.

"Anyone going to explain or?" I replied, bored.

"He's a semi-regular. He has a certain fondness for Grace." Angel said, wiggling her eyebrows. I smirked, then it fell as I realized that maybe I had opened a can of worms we couldn't come back from. It was then that I saw Jennie typing furiously into her phone. "Jen? What are you doing?"

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