Bed of the Lake

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Kristen makes waves, and Spencer tries to help (Y/n).

Spencer never returned my call that day, but he did text me, explaining he had work things to deal with and that he would call me as soon as he could. I dismissed his worries, telling him that I was hanging out with Kristen, and that we were making brownies. Well, she was making... brownies... and I was cleaning the house.

I had just finished the living room that Saturday morning, when my phone finally rang and I all but stumbled over myself to answer it, closing the door to my bedroom quickly. "Hi." I breathed a sigh of relief, and heard him do the same on the other end.

"Hi." We let the words hang in the air, obviously savouring the sound of the other's voice. "Sorry I didn't answer you-"

I cut him off. "Please don't, Spencer. I shouldn't have called twice, I'm sorry." There was a pause on the other end of the line.

"First of all, don't you dare interrupt me." I hated how that simple exchange made my eyes roll back. Jesus was I really that desperate after only a week? "Second of all, I told you to call me, which you did. So, good girl." I smiled, the praise making my chest warm. "But, I broke my promise to you that I would answer when you called me so I need to apologize for that." I sighed, sitting on the edge of my bed, really just happy to hear him talking to me, regardless about what.

"It's so good to hear your voice." came my only reply. I heard him let out a breath of surprised yet happy air.

"Yea, you too. Is... is everything okay? You sound stressed." I had debated just telling him everything, but I didn't want to worry him, and I certainly didn't want him jumping on the next plane which I knew he was very inclined to do at any moment.

"Yea, it's just... hard, coming back here." I said looking around my room and sighing. "My brother's girlfriend is really broken up about everything that's happening and I don't really know how to help her... I-" My voice trailed off and I cleared my throat to cover the sound of my words breaking.

"I'm going to ask again. Do you want me to come be with you?" I closed my eyes, forcing myself not to cry, if Kristen came in and saw me crying I was never going to convince her that I was okay.

"I can't ask that of you, and I know that you're going to say that this is your responsibility but it isn't fair of me to ask you to come all this way to deal with problems that I have no right to put on you." I rambled, standing from my bed and walking to the curtains to see the sun starting to hide behind a row of mean looking clouds, how fitting. "This is my battle to fight, and I need to fight it."

I hated when there was quiet on his end of the phone, it meant he was thinking. And that mind was a beautiful and scary thing. "(Y/n). You didn't answer my question. Do you want me there." I sighed a shaky, long sigh.

"Please." I gave up trying to pretend I could do this on my own. We had just gotten word from the jail that they weren't letting anyone in to see Jamie, Kristen was distraught, I could hear her sobbing from my room, and I was so emotionally drained that even thinking about going to see my mother tomorrow alone was enough to make me actually sick.

I heard the sound of the plane starting in the background, and I sighed. "I'll be there by tonight okay? Hang tight." Tears flowed freely then and I nodded. "You are not a burden with this, (Y/n)."

I couldn't bring myself to accept his words, so I just let out a breath, he took that as his answer and when the voice over the PA on his side crackled to life I knew that it was time to go. "Thank you." I said quietly, and he sighed, saying his goodbyes before hanging up. I dropped my phone to the bed, and then followed, flopping down to stare at the ceiling. Shit, I really needed to finish cleaning.

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