Down In Flames

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Sacrifices must be made.

When I woke up, Spencer wasn't in bed with me, but I heard the water running in the shower and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in to steady myself. I hadn't seen my brother in a while, the last time I saw him really was thanksgiving of last year, nearly a whole eight months ago. And today I was about to see him in prison orange... a scene I had wished to never see again, I barely visited him in prison, and when he first got out, it took me a while to work up the courage to even talk to him let alone go visit, I stayed in my apartment with Aiden.

I sat up, shaking my head and rubbing my hands down my face roughly a few times, forcing blood back into my face, the lightheaded dizziness not helpful. The water turned off, and I turned my head as Spencer opened the door, the towel around his hips and another rubbing over his head. "Oh good you're awake." He said quietly. "I was worried I was going to have to wake you up." I shook my head.

"I'm awake." I turned to him and crooked an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" I questioned when I saw his dress pants and shirt hanging on the door to be steamed by the shower.

"I'm going to go speak to Jamie's Lawyer." He said so confidently I shot out of bed, rushing to his side.

"You're what?" He dried off his arms and reached for his clothes, starting to put them on.

"I'm going to go speak to his lawyer, I got approval from my supervisor to give a statement." I blinked in surprise.

"A statement? Wait, like... as a witness?" He nodded. "Why would they listen to you?" He sighed, standing and buttoning his pants before he kissed the side of my face, tucking his shirt into his waist.

"I have some connections with work that make my testimony valuable." He replied carefully, and I took a step back from him, I was starting to wonder if I really wanted to know his job.

"Are you like... a lawyer?" He shook his head, a kind smile on his face.

"No, I'm an expert witness." My face broke into a wide smile and I couldn't help but wrap my arms around him tightly. He understood my lack of words as an outpouring of thanks and gratitude mixed with excitement and hope. "I don't know how much I can do, but it might be enough."

"Even you offering is more than I could ever ask of you." He smiled, then pat the side of my face gently.

"Go get ready," He tilted his arm to look at his watch. "You need to leave within the hour." I nodded and grabbed the outfit I had prepared yesterday and skipped into the bathroom for my own shower.


Spencer pulled away from the kiss and rubbed the side of (Y/n)'s face to steady her nervous twitching. "He's going to be so excited to see you, you don't need to worry." He said comfortingly, and his heart broke to see the doubt flash over her features.

"What if he's angry at me?" She asked quietly, shifting her feet a few times.

"For what? Putting yourself first? No, you're his sister, you're going to bring him so much peace right now. Anyone wrongfully imprisoned needs to know people care, so just keep reminding him that we are fighting for him." She nodded again and sighed, dropping her head onto his chest.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" She asked, and he tilted her head back to look at him, he nodded once, a confident and caring smile crossing his face before he kissed her again and then stepped back from her, opening the car door to allow her to get into the driver's seat. Kristen was sitting in the passenger seat, trying so hard to be patient, but he could tell from the tapping and picking at her fingers that she was antsy. (Y/n) closed the door and he stepped back, allowing her to pull out and make her way down the street. He watched them go before climbing into the driver's seat of the truck and making his own way down the street, turning left instead of right to make his way to the offices of Smith and Jackson.

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