Chapter Three: Going to lie my ass off

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Ashlyn's POV

I woke up before Jake (Jacob) the next morning and I didn't want to just go through his fridge and eat his food, but I still went in the fridge and poured myself some water. I drank some and then set it on the table as I lay down on the couch and looked at the ceiling, I had no idea how this was going to work but it was nice being in a house again.

"Well you look like you found something productive to do," I giggled and looked over at Jacob as he walked over to me from the stairs. I hid my shock as he wore jogging shorts and a low v-neck shirt giving me an amazing view of his muscles. 

"I-uhhh...I...I just woke up," I said looking away from him as he looked at me funny.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I-I'm fine," my stomach growled as I sighed and then laughed slightly.

"You want some breakfast," he didn't even let me answer as he walked off to the kitchen. I grabbed my glass of water and followed after him and then sat on one of the stools. "You know you could of just gotten something to didn't have to wait for me."

"I didn't want to just go through your fridge and eat your food," he laughed slightly and then grabbed the eggs.

"Your living here for the next two weeks well actually week cause next week we'll be at my parents but you can eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want. You can even use the hot tub if you want to, the pools closed due to it being winter but the hot tub still works." I laughed and nodded my head as he started making some eggs.

" thing to know about me," he looked at me as I laughed nervously. "I can't cook," he laughed and shook his head.

"Alright well I'll make breakfast but I'll teach you how to cook later."

"Sure," it was nice of him to offer that but it wasn't like I'd need to learn how to cook in the future. I would be back on the streets and just trying to get enough money to get something to eat. "So can I ask how old you are...I mean like you seem young to be living in a house this big already and then to be a famous photographer on top of that." He laughed slightly and continued to make what I was guessing is an omelet. 

"I'm 24 and I've been working to be a photographer my whole life. My father was one so I got in at a very early age and was home schooled so I didn't have to worry about that. My dad would take me on his photography shoot and let me take some photo's and then the next thing I know I'm 14 and already have a signed deal to be the photographer for national geographic. That was fun for awhile but then I moved on to fashion magazines and then photo shoots with people like Miley Cyrus and Ke$ha...who by the way is very...weird." 

"Who's Ke$ha," he looked at me funny and then sighed.

"Right Umm she's a singer...well not really her voice is pretty much auto tuned so by the time she sings on stage she sucks but I can't say that while I'm taking the photo's or to magazines and stuff like that cause I could lose my job." I nodded my head and laughed slightly.

"I feel so out of I've missed so much. I use to be the one that knew everything, and I mean everything but I've just fallen off the's like I'm nothing now...which is actually true but whatever." I moved my hand and then looked up from looking at the counter and back at Jake as he placed the omelet in front of me on a bright blue plate.

"Okay maybe you live on the streets and maybe you are out of date with news and information but you are not nothing you shouldn't be thinking like that it'll only hurt you in the end." I nodded my head as he sat in front of me now eating his own omelet as I took a bite out of mine and smiled.

"," he laughed slightly as I giggled and continued to eat. "Alright so while I'm enjoying the omelet why don't you tell me a bit about yourself so when your family asks me what I like most about you I can answer the question."

"Right...well I have three brothers," my eyes widened as he laughed. "Yeah I know...anyways the youngest is Nate and he's the funniest yet smartest 12 year old you'll ever meet. Marcus is 21 and he's the next youngest he's this great singer that can play guitar and drums and all kinds of other instruments...I'm pretty sure he's gonna marry Jamie she's been his best friend since they were three and they've been dating for about 6 years now. David is the oldest and he's 27, he's married and has a little girl named Maya and Andy...his wife... is pregnant with another one.

"Wow you've got a pretty big family their buddy I don't think I'll be able to keep up."

"I'll help ya it won't be to hard you'll be fine. Anyways as for me I am 24 I live in a big house alone except for the maids who even though this place looks clean I never see them. There like spies the place is just clean, I hire them and then they disappear." I giggled as he laughed slightly and then continued. "I work at Seventeen magazine, occasionally I send photo's to national geographic, and then I take photo's for all the teen magazines like M, BOP, J-14 and so on so forth." I nodded my head.

"That's nice but all your telling me about is your work...I wanna know about you," I said emphasizing the word you.

"Right well there's not much to tell, I don't really do anything except work and then sit around at home. I can't really trust people because they use me for my money and publicity and all that so I just keep to myself."

"Right...and I fit into your lifestyle how, because as of right now I'm technically here and using your money due to the food and everything but then again I guess I'll be gone in two weeks so I don't really count." He laughed slightly and shook his head.

"Eating food is nothing compare to my last girlfriend, I literally spent so much time shopping with her as she spent my money to get herself new clothes and shoes, movie's oh and once she got a car."

"Why the hell did you buy her a car?"

"I thought we were in love but she was cheating on me the whole time, so the car now sits in the garage and she kept everything else." I put the last piece of my omelet in my mouth and then set the fork down and looked at Joe. "I was just being stupid really, my parents have always said that I'm smart which I probably am but I suck at relationships."

"Hence why you need me," he nodded his head and then finished him omelet and stood up taking my plate and his. "So why not try again I mean not everyone is like your last girlfriend it's hard to trust people but you could at least give it a shot."

"What do you think I'm doing with you, no offence but you're a homeless person who I let stay in my house which has some very expensive stuff in it. I'm putting my trust in you and hoping that you won't rob me when these two weeks are done."

" see normally I would be offended by that but it's true...although to be completely honest I've never stolen anything in my life but I have spent plenty of nights in jail." He turned around and looked at me with one eyebrow raised. "Sleeping in the park on the bench... they gave up after awhile realizing I wasn't going anywhere but other then that I'm pretty much the weirdest homeless person ever."

"I couldn't even imagine parents kicking their child out of their house for no reason it's so stupid."

"My parents are pretty much the people that care more for their jobs then they do their own child."

"What do they do for a living?" This is the part where I was going to lie my ass off...I couldn't tell him the truth well at least not yet. Although we have this whole trusting thing going on I would know him for two weeks and then I was gone so I can lie as much as I want. 

"Umm my dad sells cars and my mom doesn't really have a job unless you count screwing every guy my dad works with a job." I said as he shook his head.

"Is it alright if I feel sorry for you," I nodded my head and then stood up.

"I'm gonna go get dressed," I went to walk out of the kitchen and then paused and turned to look at Jake. "I haven't said that for a feels kinda nice," he laughed as I smiled then headed up stairs to get dressed. 







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