Chapter Sixteen: Heart attack

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Normal POV

Ashlyn's eyes fluttered open to look at the wall as she took in a deep breath and turned on the bed to see Jake sleeping peacefully beside her, she curved her lips into a smile as she continued to look at Jake. She lay there taking in his features as he continued to sleep, the peacefulness on his face along with the slight smile that rest upon his face.

"How do I look," Jake mumbled as Ashlyn giggled and moved slightly.

"Peaceful," Jake chuckled and opened his eyes to look at Ashlyn. "Hi," she said as she continued to smile.

"Hey," he chuckled and leaned over kissing her softly on the lips as she smiled through the kiss. "How are you...I didn't hurt you right," Ashlyn giggled and shook her head as she moved her head a bit on the pillow.

"No you didn't hurt me...and I'm perfect," she whispered before leaning up to kiss Jake again. Jake rolled on top of her as she giggled and stayed in the kiss now wrapping her arms around him, he pulled out of the kiss and ran his lips down her neck before planting a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"So are you going to answer my question and tell me what the best part of the game was?"

"The best part of the game...definitely meeting the handsome man outside the house," Jake smiled and planted a soft kiss on Ashlyn's lips.

"Yeah...I think seeing you walking towards me was definitely do you wanna go out for breakfast or would you like to stay in," she shrugged and ran her hand along his arm.

"Kinda wanna stay in," he nodded and laid down beside her again as she giggled. Something started vibrating as Jake groaned and buried his face into his pillow making Ashlyn giggle. She reached over and grabbed his pants pulling out his cell phone. He captured her into his arms and pulled her back to him as he kissed the back of her shoulder making Ashlyn giggle. "Hello," Ashlyn said holding in her laughter.

"Oh hey Demi...I'm actually looking for Jake."

"Hold on a sec," she giggled and then passed the phone to Joe. "It's your mom," he took the phone from Ashlyn and pressed it to his ear.

"This is Jake," he kissed her neck again as she giggle but then Joe pulled away and sat up. "WHAT," he yelled and then started panicking as Ashlyn sat up and looked at him. "But...what...I don't...I don't understand," he stuttered as Ashlyn placed her hand on his arm. "Yeah...I'll be there in a couple hours," he said calmly now placing his face into his hand. "Yeah...yeah...bye." Jake hung up the phone placing his second hand on his face.

"Joe what is it...what's wrong," she moved closer to him as he took in a deep breath and shook his head. 

"I...I can't even say it Ashlyn...I just...I have to go," he got up and started out the door as she sat there.

"Please...can you just tell me why you're so freaked out," she said as he took in another deep breath and turned around to look at her.

"I can't cause then I'll break down and I don't want you seeing me like that," Ashlyn got up and walked over to him as she placed her hands on his face.

"Just tell me," she whispered as he nodded.

"My dad...he...he had a heart attack and he's in the hospital," Ashlyn gasped and then nodded her head.

"Alright go get dressed and we'll go to New Jersey now okay," he nodded and then walked off but came back a second later and kissed her softly on the lips mumbling a low thank you before walking off again. 

Ashlyn and Jake ran out the door as Ashlyn the door behind her and then ran to the car, she grabbed Jake and made him turn around and go to the passenger seat as she got in the drivers side.

"Can you even drive," he mumbled as Ashlyn closed the door and started the ignition.

"I still have my license and you can't drive right now," he sighed as Ashlyn backed out of the driveway and drove off down the street. "Your dads going to be okay Jake...I know he is," he looked over at Ashlyn and nodded his head. He reached over and grabbed her hand squeezing it to show that he was listening to her as she tightened her grip slightly to tell him that she was here for him as they drove in silence to New Jersey. She parked the car and then got out and walked with Jake to the door as they walked towards his family who stood up when they saw him.

"Jake," his mom said embracing him into a tight hug as he hugged her back. She broke down letting tears slip from her eyes as Jake kissed the temple of her head and then pulled out of the hug.

"How is he," Jake whispered as Maya hugged Ashlyn's legs. Ashlyn bent down to give her a proper hug as Jake and the others continued to talk.

"He's still asleep...the doctor said that it could be awhile before he wakes up but he's going to be really sore for the next couple of days. They said that he's been stressing out to much and worrying and his heart just couldn't take it anymore," Jake nodded as he took in a deep breath.

"But he's going to be okay right," Ann nodded her head as Jake took in a deep breath and calmed down. "So can I see him or are we being stuck out here," Ann smiled slightly.

"You can go see him he's in room 417," Jake nodded and looked at Ashlyn as she held into Lilly who had her arms wrapped around her neck and her legs wrapped around her refusing to let go.

"Go...I'll be here when you come back," Jake nodded and walked off as Andy looked at Ashlyn.

"She's been asking for you...ever since Christmas she keeps asking when she gets to see you next," Ashlyn smiled and nodded her head as she sat down letting Maya sit on her lap.

"Well it's good to see you again Maya...but I'm actually trying to make sure your uncle Jake doesn't break down." Andy looked over at Ashlyn again along with David.

"Was he really bad at the house," I nodded slightly.

" took him awhile to tell me what was going on," she took in a deep breath and then sighed as she noticed Maya had fallen asleep.

"We've been here for awhile," David said as he took Maya from Ashlyn so she could sleep on his lap and so Ashlyn could move if she wanted to. "So what were you guys doing when we said that you guys sounded happy and she was actually sad that she had to tell you bad news?"

"Not much just eating breakfast...we were talking about something and Jake told me a story but...I don't remember," she said as she looked down at her hands knowing perfectly well what was going on before they called but she wasn't about to explain it to them while under these conditions. 


Well. They did the dirty! 

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