IChapter Eighteen: Thousand times faster

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Ashlyn's POV

I didn't even bother going back to Jake's house...how could I after he said last night was a mistake, it didn't seem like a mistake and this morning we were happy and even I could tell by his eyes. But apparently I had been lied to...but I've always been a lie...he just used me and spat me out like he pleased and I fell for it cause of his eyes and his sweetness and his super sexy body...no bad Ashlyn don't think like that. I groaned and shook my head as the man in the cab looked at me through the mirror.

"You okay miss," I shook my head and let out a big sigh.

"Nope...not even close," I mumbled as he continued to drive carefully through the snowy streets. There was only one place I had left to go and that was my dad's house, it's not like we've re-connected or anything but were better now and I know he'll let me stay there with him. 

"Wow...you must be rich...why are you taking a cab home," I looked at the cabby as he stopped in front of my dad's house.

"My dad's rich...not me," I handed the money to him. "Happy late Christmas," I said with a smile as he nodded and smiled at me realizing I had given him double the fair.

"Happy late Christmas," I smiled and got out as he drove off and I walked up the steps to the door and took in a deep breath before knocking. 

"Ashlyn...what are you doing here," I sighed and he let me in closing the door behind me.

"The Andrews thing didn't really work out so here I am."

"Sweetheart as much s I love you a 22 year old should have there own house already," I arched my eyebrows and looked at my dad.

"Ummm dad have you not remembered the last couple years...living on the street...having to live with Jake for a months just to stay warm," he nodded slowly but still looked as though he wasn't understanding anything I was saying. "I have no money to buy a house dad," I said as he laughed.

"I'm not stupid...old yes but stupid...no," I arched my eyebrows now as he chuckled. "I love you Ashlyn but even I knew the Andrews thing wouldn't work out...you don't think I didn't come prepared did you...I like my privacy and I love you and all but I can' have my 22 year old daughter living with me. You should be out enjoying life and able to bring gentlemen back to you're house without me being there."

"Right but again dad...no money."

"Roberto here will take you to your house sweetheart...fully stocked and you can keep the limo...but I need my driver back."

"And how does that work exactly," I said arching my eyebrows.

"He'll come back in a cab and the limo will have to wait to be used cause I haven't found you a driver yet," I nodded and walked out of the house. "Oh which reminds me...now that your mothers gone and out of the picture I got you a job. It'll just be an organizer and such for parties...it'll be very big front page news and all. You'll be organizing parties and runways and have to book planners and stuff like that."

"Mom's old job," he nodded as I sighed and shrugged my shoulder.

"It was nice to see you Ashlyn," I hugged my dad still weirded out by this whole thing but I was perfectly fine when I got to the house...now I had a mansion of my own. Although it's huge and I would have nothing to put in it that would fill all the rooms but at least it was a home. 

"Thanks Roberto," I handed him some cash so he could get home safely and then walked inside and looked around. Not only did I have a house but a job as well, I smiled and laid down on the couch but my smile disappeared...it would never actually stay after everything I had gone through with Jake. I guess I would have to learn to fake it. 

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