Chapter Twenty: I love you so much that it hurts

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Ashlyn's POV

I walked around the room with a champagne glass in my hand as everyone smiled and had a great time. It was an after party for a movie of some sorts and I have no idea why I was invited but I was.

"Well don't you look gorgeous," I smiled at Danny as he placed his hand on my back. "So apparently were the 'it' couple of the season," I looked at him and took a sip of champagne.

"That's kinda funny considering were not even dating," he shrugged and smiled at me.

"But they don't know that...the tabloids believe what they want to believe and they don't care if it's true or's part of being famous."

"Right I'll keep that in mind," I giggled and took another sip of my champagne as Danny kissed my cheek.

"I'll be back I have some people to talk to," I nodded and shook my head as he walked off and then looked around the room. That's when I noticed him...Jake...he was taking pictures of some of the celebrities and other people that were here and I really didn't need this today, it was hard enough to have to hear that we were a mistake but to have to see him now. I just needed to ignore him...he wasn't here and I only had to stay for a few more minutes and then I could leave without my father complaining. 

"Ashlyn Collins...look at you," I turned and looked at Usher as he hugged me.

" are you I haven't seen you since I was what seventeen," he laughed and nodded his head.

"Yeah at a different movie premier," I giggled and shook my head. "So what have you been up to cause it's been so long?"

"Yeah it's a really big story one that I'd rather not share right now," he nodded and then waved at someone. 

"Well I gotta go Nicole's waiting we gotta get our picture know being the stars of the movie and all," I laughed and hugged him again before he walked off. I finished my champagne and gave the empty glass to one of the waiters and then started walking around again.

"Avoiding me," I paused and turned and looked at Jake as he let his camera dangle from his neck. "I completely understand if you are," I shook my head as he took a step closer to me.

"Don't," I whispered as he arched his eyebrows.

"Don't what," he asked as I shook my head again.

"Don't act all innocent after everything that've hurt me enough and I don't need to be hurt anymore then I already have been," I said as tears lingered in my eyes and I knew Jake could see them.

"Can you give me a minute to explain...just a minute," he whispered as he took a step closer to me.

"Why...why should I give you a minute?"

"Cause then you'll know the truth," I looked around the room and then slowly nodded my head.

"Not here," I said as he got my point. I walked off and continued walking till there was no one around. If things got into a yelling match I'd rather not have people stare at me so I went to the hotel cause then at least there would be no paparazzi around to take pictures and cause more lies about me. "You have a minute," I said and placed my key down on the table in my room and placed my coat on the chair as he set his camera down on the table and looked at me. 

"I did it cause of my dad," I arched my eyebrows and gave him a you must be joking look.

Normal POV

"Are you serious right now...I give you a minute and that's what you come up with," Ashlyn crossed her arms as he took in a deep breath.

"My dad's been stressing out over the fact that you're a Collin and I was getting closer to you...he's afraid that your like your parents and that you would ruin our family image."

"So your saying that because you and I were living together your dad had a heart attack," he took in a deep breath and nodded.

"Yeah kinda...I mean there are other reasons but that's the main one, he's just afraid and I was stupid and listened to him even though it hurt me a lot to say that our night together meant nothing when it meant a lot to me and Maya told me what you said to her actually she told all of us and it pretty much sums up how I feel about you but I didn't know you felt that way until after I hurt you and if I could take it back I would cause I love you and you're the first women I've ever met that makes me feel this way and it hurts that I did all of this to you and can't even..." He stopped once he felt Ashlyn's soft lips hit his causing him to kiss her back resting his hands on her face. 

"I love you to," she whispered as Jake smiled and kissed her again pulling her closer to him. 

Ashlyn's POV

I stretched and let out a breath as I opened my eyes to find nothing, Jake was gone and so were his clothes, every time I take a step forward I get knocked back and I hate it. The door opened and Jake walked in and smiled at me.

"Good morning," he set something on the table and then kissed me softly on the lips. "You seem confused with a hint of sadness...are you alright?"

"Yeah I just thought...well I thought you left to be honest."

"Technically I did but I was getting breakfast cause the room service here sucks even though it's a five star hotel," I smiled slightly and nodded my head. "I never meant to hurt you Demi and I'd be the stupidest guy in the world if I ever did that to you again but I won't cause I love you...even when I knew I did this because of my dad the only person I wanted to talk to was you."

Normal POV

"Well what about your dad now...I don't want to be giving him another heart attack," Jake chuckled and shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know...everybody else was pretty upset about it so I guess my dad will have to deal with the fact that I'm dating you...and completely in love with you and the fact that your part of the Andrews family now."

"I really like the sound of that," Jake laughed and kissed Ashlyn softly on the lips and pulled his phone out slightly pulling away from Ashlyn to answer his phone.

"Hello," he said and then kissed Ashlyn again as she giggled.

"Uncle Jakey...I'm so bored and I know your really really hating grandpa right now but can you pretty please with a cherry on top come back to the house, I wanna go play in the snow and I need my uncle cause Uncle Markie and Aunt Jamie are all quiet, grandmas all mad, dad and mom are dealing with mom being pregnant and all and then there's me who just sits here and does absolutely nothing." Jake chuckled as Ashlyn looked at him.

"I'll be there soon okay Maya...and we can build a snow fort and a snowman."

"Yes...ohh and have a snowball fight and build a snow dog."

"MAYA," David yelled in the background.

"What I said snow dog...I didn't say anything," Jake arched his eyebrows as Ashlyn looked at him funny.

"What's going on Maya," she giggled and then bit her finger lightly.

"Nothing...nothing at all just come home please," Jake chuckled again.

"I'll be there soon," he said his goodbyes and then looked at Ashlyn. "So I have to go home," Ashlyn nodded her head as Jake smiled at her. "You wanna come...I'm sure Maya would love to see you."

"Are you sure...I don't want your dad to have a heart attack again," Jake shook his head and kissed her again.

"You'll be fine Ash," she giggled and nodded her head as Jake chuckled. He kissed her again as she kissed him back loving this moment that they were in. 


AWW! love it! 




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