Chapter Four: Something wrong

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Ashlyn's POV

Jake hadn't really seen me dressed in actually clothes yet...he had only seen me in my dirty street clothes...then a bath robe...then PJ's so when I came down the stairs his eyes sorta widened as he looked at me.

"What is there something wrong," I looked at my clothes now turning and twisting to see if anything was on my outfit. He placed his hands on my arms making me stop moving as he laughed slightly.

"Nothing, I was just shocked that's all...I haven't really seen you in clean clothes." I laughed slightly and then shook my head.

"Well how do I look then," I spun around and then smiled at him as he laughed.

"As I said yesterday...remove the dirt and your beautiful," I giggled slightly and then looked around. 

"So what are we gonna do for the next week or so."

"Well I have a few photo shoots to do but it's just for fashion week so it's like random models and then I have a interview and then other then that nothing."

" I'll be here doing nothing."

"Well you can come if you just might get boring." I laughed and shrugged my shoulders.

"Won't you get asked who I am and then what are you gonna say."

"This is my friend Ashlyn," he said smiling as I laughed again. "My parents won't care anyways because I keep my private life private so they know the truth but the rest of the world don't need to know." 

"Alright what is going on today," he laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Nothing I'm not busy at all today so you can do anything you want, I'm sure there's no way you've seen he whole house yet."

"I don't know I walked around for awhile before you got here with some clothes so I think I've seen quit a bit...but I guess I'll go explore maybe I'll find your secret batman cave." I giggled and then walked around him now walking around the house as he laughed and headed upstairs to his room. 

"Good luck with that," he said through his laughter as I laughed and walked into the living room. 

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The next few days we just took time getting to know each other better well more or less me knowing him, we came up with a story about me seeing how I hadn't lived with my family for three years. Right now however were at a photo shoot and I'm watching as Jake smiles and directs the model that he's taking pictures of as she poses and changes her facial features for almost every picture Jake takes of her. It made me smile to see how happy Jake was with his job, you could tell that he was passionate about it. After the photo shoot we went and got some dinner and then headed home where I went to bed and crashed falling asleep instantly. By the next day Jake wasn't doing anything so we decided to take a walk around town, it was snowing lightly as we walked but Jake took pictures occasionally of trees or animals. It was beautiful out here if you really looked, we walked in silence as he looked around and I was actually kinda warm as we walked. I had a jacket and gloves and a hat this time instead of old clothes. We walked down a path as Jake began looking around again and taking even more photo's, I looked off to the left and then looked at Jake again as I saw a flash go off.

"What are you doing," I crossed my arms and looked at him as he laughed.

"Taking a picture, I have a very good eye for good photo's and the way the sun was hitting your face along with the snow falling was just amazing so I had to take a picture."

"And how did it turn out," he looked at his camera and then at me.

"Very well," I was guessing he wasn't going to show me the picture but we started walking again as I smiled and continued to look around. "So do you have a hobby or anything that you love doing," I looked over at him as he paused and took a picture of some birds chasing each other as they flew in the air against the snow and wind.

"None that I know of...I've lived on the streets for three years and other then that all I did was get through school, gossip and buy magazines. I swear my walls were covered by pictures taken by you," he looked away from his camera and looked at me.

"Really...I'm not sure if I should smile at that or feel creped out by it."

"You can smile, I love your artistic ability, and how you can see something so beautiful through a lens. I see birds flying and its just birds flying...but when you look at them... it's like it's your canvas you see those birds as art and you can capture it so beautifully." I said as we started walking again, I looked over at him as he smiled now looking down at the ground as his camera dangled around his neck. He kept one hand on his lens but the other swung back on forth as he walked beside me. "You just got quite," I said making him look up at me I could tell he was cold cause his face was all rosy but mine probably was to.

"I don't know what to just gave me the biggest compliment ever and I don't know how to respond. Thank you isn't big enough and then I can't think of a bigger word to use... so I stayed quiet."

"Well a simple thank you is fine by me...but what I said is true. Some people say that taking a photo has nothing to do with art but your pictures are definitely art."

"You know If you say this stuff to my parents they will definitely believe that were dating," I laughed and nodded my head as I bit my bottom lip and continued walking. Another flash went off as my teeth let go of my lip and looked at Jake again as he smiled and then looked at the picture on his camera screen as he bit his bottom lip. I stopped walking and held my hands out, as he looked at me funny.

"What," I pointed at his camera and moved my hands to tell him to give me it. "Ha yeah right no offence but this is a very expensive camera and it'll only be held by me," I kept my hands out and waited as he finally sighed and handed me the camera. I handled it carefully and looked through the finder now looking at everything, to me it just seemed like random trees and birds I don't know how he did it. I pointed the camera at him as he was watching me carefully trying to figure out what I was doing, I clicked the button now as he figured out and glared at me. "I am behind the lens for a reason...I don't like my picture being taken," I giggled and handed him the camera back as he looked at the picture. I leaned over at looked at it but then he hit the trash button.

"No don't keep'll remind you of our walk together," I smiled and started walking again as he stayed behind for a second and then caught up to me. 


There you have it... ANOTHER CHAPTER



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