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"So...where were you? Mind explaining?" Ray asked, Don wasn't looking our way, and Gilda's just staring on the table.

"We were in Mama's secret room. It was a hidden basement," My eyes widened and cover my mouth in shock. I don't know why I am here, I was supposed to be sleeping, since it will be bad if the adults saw us together. Especially if it's Mama.

"How did you get in?!" Emma asked while keeping her voice minimized. Ray and Norman are just looking at them, Ray—is totally glaring at them.

"Don pick-pocketed Mama's key," Gilda answered again, Don has no intention of answering us, so he's keeping quiet. I glance at Norman who's looking at the floor, my head turns to Ray who's glaring at Don and his fist was clenched. I stood up and get closed to him, he look at me and I smiled.

"Calm down," I whispered and pat his shoulder, I also held his hands and keep them between my tiny hands. He took a deep breath and blow in the wind as he nodded.

"Did she noticed it?" Emma asked, Ray finally calmed down and lean on the wall as he remove his hands from mine and crossed his arms.

"I don't think so...we also returned the key to her, probably...so..." Gilda was the one who answered again, Don wasn't really looking at us and Gilda sounds unsure.

"Think? Probably? This is exactly why you shouldn't have...!" Ray spoke, I look at him but he didn't bother to return the look, he's staring intently to Gilda and Don, Gilda looked on the floor and didn't answer.

"Just try using your brain a little—"

"Ray, that's too much,"

"What if the room was rigged with some sort of security camera, listening device, or alerting system that would send a signal to their transmitter? Mama and Sister Krone would find us out...and then you guys, no, all of us would be—"

"All of us would be...what? Spit it out, Ray!" I startled when Don finally spoke, and his voice sounds mad—and desperate to know the answer.

My heart starts to beat faster as I feel the nervousness coming all over my body, don't tell me...they already found out the truth? Don seemed angry! Oh my gosh, this is why I hate lying! Secrets cannot be hidden forever, they'll be found out sooner or later.

"Killed?" Don asked.


"You liars. You don't know what happened to Conny? We need to go save our siblings? What a load of bullcrap," Don continued, he was trying to calm himself down, trying not to make a ruckus that will disturb everyone.

"You know we can't go save them, because Conny...Conny and everyone else is already—" our eyes widened and Emma bow her head before Don said the last word, that will give pain to everyone in this hall.

I knew it. They realized that Conny and everyone don't exist in this world anymore, they figured out that we lied, and I know what they are thinking right now.

We're doubting their abilities.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Emma apologized.

𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘦 •|| 𝑇𝑃𝑁 𝑅𝑎𝑦𝑋𝑂𝐶: 02194 ✦ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now