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ben's pov

i haven't stopped thinking about tate ever since last night. we had a moment when we were staring into each other's eyes. god she's beautiful. 

we've been super weird towards each other though and tate's been kinda avoiding me.

i was playing on my playstation when my phone went off. "devonnnn what's up?" i said at the sight of my bestfriend.

me and devon have known each other for 5 years. he was my first friend when i moved schools and he's always been there for me.

"hey ben. how's millcaster?" he asked. "it's very..interesting. i love it here though." i responded. "that's good" we started talking about video games when i heard a knock on my door.

"come in!" tate opened the door slowly and smiled at me.

"hi ben." she spoke softly. "ben who is that?!" dev screamed through the phone.

i quickly lowered the volume before she could hear him, but i think it was too late. "oh, you're on the phone?" she asked. "oh, yeah. just catching up with an old friend you know?"

tate nodded her head before saying, "i made breakfast for us by the way. my parents are uh sleeping still so yeah." she said nervously. "oh okay thanks." i thanked her. "devon i have to go-"

"i'm actually his bestfriend" devon rolled his eyes. "you have a best friend?" tate laughed. "yes, why?" i asked confused.

"you just seem- never mind." she said. "hi random girl." devon said as he focused his attention to some video game.

"hey ben's best friend." tate giggled. "i gotta go to the bathroom." i excused myself. i already know devon will embarrass the hell out of me and i don't wanna be there when he does.

i walked back into my room and they were laughing and giggling when i came in.

"what?" i grumbled. "oh nothing.." tate grinned. she sighed and said, "wow, i love devon already." i rolled my eyes and asked if we could go eat now. "yes of course." she grinned. "bye dev." i said "bye bro." he winked at me.


later at night, i was on tiktok when tate knocked on my door again. "hey tate." i said.

"hii. i just wanted to uhm say hi." she looked nervous and confused. "oh..?"

"uhm.. how are you?" she asked. "i don't know. i'm kind of down because my parents haven't been answering my calls.." i sighed.

she sat on the bed and put her hand on my back, sending chills through my body. "i'm sorry. i know what it feels like to want things to be back to normal. but, this is reality and there's no going back.." she spoke quietly, zoning off into her own world for a bit.

then she snapped out of it and said, "just keep calling them and hope they answer. i know they will."

she got up and before opening the door said, "goodnight."

"night." i put my airpods in and started playing my love playlist. i threw myself backwards on my bed as yellow by coldplay started playing. i sighed and closed my eyes and tried to think of a time where life was happy. but all i could think of was last night and tate..

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