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ben's pov

i got a notification on my phone saying exposingtateparker followed me. i looked through the account and got filled with anger and rage.

"yo what's wrong?" devon asked me, looking away from the tv. "look, come here."

he stood up and i gave him the phone. "holy hell. what the.." he gasped. "oh no. imagine how tate feels.. i should go see if she's okay." i said.

i walked out of my room and knocked on tate's door. "tate? can i come in?" i spoke through the door. "n-no go away."

based on her voice i can tell she already knew.

she was crying. i opened the door and saw tate laying on her bed with her face in the pillow, sobbing. "i said go away." she yelled through her sobs.

"tate, we saw the account. are you okay?" i asked with empathy. seeing her hurt fucking sucks.

"i'm fine." she got up and sat closer to me, snuggling up next to me and sobbing into my arms.

i held her in my arms and told her, "dont listen to those dumbasses. they obviously don't have any lives if they have time to make a hate page for you. tate, you are beautiful okay? you're literally like the best person i've ever met." i consoled her.

she started crying harder and bawled, "i don't feel beautiful.." i held her closer, trying to make her feel safe and she slowly calmed down.

"tate. i think you're beautiful. i know you're beautiful. okay? you should know that by now." she looked at me as one of her tears ran down her cheek. i wiped it.

"tate. i'm here for you. okay? i will always be." i said. "thank you ben. i'm always here for you too." she smiled.


i woke up in the morning in tate's bed. we must've fallen asleep last night. i looked to my right and tate was still in a deep sleep. seeing her sleep peacefully relieved me.

i grabbed my phone from her nightstand and the first thing i saw were a bunch of posts about tate again.

i groaned and dmed the account.

ben de almeida
why are you making so
many posts about tate acting
like you know her? you actually
have NO life and should really
find something better to do
than make hate pages for
people who didn't even do
anything to you.

chill out bro lmao.
tate DID do something to
me. she always made me
look bad in front of
my friends, she basically is
a big bully and a fucking
attention seeking whore.
she causes so much drama
it's not even interesting

ben de almeida
she literally tells me all
the time how she barely talks
to anyone from school- you're
literally so stupid. trying to
spread false rumors bout
me and her. what we do,
is none of your business.

whatever smh.

ben de almeida
fuck you


i was raging with anger.

tate's phone started ringing which made her wake up. "what do you want?" she said in a morning voice that only made me fall harder.

"we're coming over." peyton said over the phone. "i just... woke up." she yawned. "and?"

peyton hung the phone up and tate turned to look at me. "good morning." she yawned again. "hey. i texted the account and they're SO stupid. i literally can't-" i fumed.

"thanks ben, for sticking up for me and staying with me last night." she blushed.

"awww." i gushed. "whatttt?" she asked. the doorbell rang and she walked downstairs to open the door.

i went into my room and saw devon sleeping. i gently smacked him and he woke up startled. "what the fuck? i was having a dream." he scolded me.

i told him about the texts. "yo what the fuck? how pathetic." devon said.

we walked downstairs and saw riley who looked angry. "ben! devon! good timing. so i dmed the account and looks like we're meeting them at the park!"

"how'd you get them to meet you?" i asked, very confused and interested. "i made a fake account and pretended i was a hot guy and told them that i wanted to meet them at the park. i told them
to wear a pink shirt so we know who they are. so come on. put your shoes on. we HAVE to go."

devon groaned and whined, "but can i eat breakfast firsttt?" riley rolled her eyes and said no.

"wait is this all okay with tate?" i asked. "yeah i'm fine with it." she replied.

"i cannot wait to see who this little pussy is." peyton blurted out. i agree. who has the time to voluntarily make a hate account on someone who is an amazing person?

once we all had our shoes on, we went into peyton's car.

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