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third person pov

tate watched alison and ben walk away and just stood there.

"does she have to ruin every good thing i have?" the girl asked.

"why didn't he say anything? ugh whatever." tate asked what the two wanted to eat, trying to move on. it's not like they were even dating right? she has no right to feel jealous.

"i'm not that hungry, i could go for a smoothie though." riley said. "same."


3 hours have gone by and ben still hasn't returned to the group. "okay where is he?" riley asked, annoyed "just forget it. he's probably falling in love with alison." tate said.

"hey, it's okay. knowing him, he most likely doesn't even like her." peyton said, trying to console her.

"forget about both of them, let's just go and try to find some of our old friends." riley said.

tatum put on the best smile she could give and responded with, "yeah, okay."

the three met up with some friends and started talking. a few minutes later, they were walking towards the bleachers when a voice called out for tate.

"tateee!" a familiar perky voice shouted. "what the hell do you want alison?"

"turn around love." tate turned around and saw alison holding onto ben's arm.

"alison, thanks for buying me food but i'm gonna head back to my friends." ben walked away, but she grabbed his shirt and kissed him.

"what the fuck alison?" ben and tate said in unison. "oh hell no bitch. peyton, hold my stuff" riley yelled.

as chaos unfolded, tate quickly disappeared. she ran to the farthest bleachers from where the group was and started climbing.

she stopped to catch her breath and climbed up to the top bleacher and sat there watching everyone.

people watching was probably tate's favorite things ever. it gave her a grasp on life and how everyone has their own story and their own life.

everyone seemed so happy and it pained her that she hasn't felt that way in such a long time.

  she hated life again.


she was faced away from all that was happening and watched the sun go down.

she tried to imagine herself as a little kid with kailey and going on family road trips during the summertime. when summer was actually fun.

a tear rolled down tate's cheek when a voice startled her. "tate.."

it was ben. her heart felt like it had dropped to her feet."what?"

he sat next to her and they just stared at the sunset.

"i'm sorry." he started apologizing but before he could say anything else, tate cut him off, "it's not your fault."

"why did you run away?"

tate sighed and stayed silent for a minute. "i don't know"

"oh. what's up with you and alison? riley and peyton told me you guys have a lot of history. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to though." ben asked.

"basically, me and alison used to be best friends but once high school started, she started getting so much attention from boys and started making friends with people who would literally talk shit about me. she left me out a lot and treated me like a piece of shit. one day, she was making fun of me and i just snapped at her. she was mad and saying i embarrassed her in front of her boyfriend and ever since then tried to make my life a living hell. she tries to take every good thing away from me i swear."

ben took a moment to let all the information sink in, and then said, "damnn, alison is such a real bitch. you didn't deserve to be treated that way. i'm glad you're not friends with her anymore. also, i'm sorry i went with her, i didn't know she was like that and i didn't know what to do. i should've told her no."

"it's okay ben, she would've made you gone with her no matter what you said."


"ben.. you're fun to talk to." the girl said. "you are too. you actually get me you know." she nodded and they stared at each other for a moment.

right now is the time to kiss him. come on tate, you can do it. she could hear riley's voice cheering her on in her head. if you don't do this now, you'll never find out what your true feelings are for him. peyton's voice echoed through her head.

you know what.. yolo. i don't care anymore. she thought.

tate leaned in, closed her eyes, and went for it. her lips met his. his lips were soft and pillowy against hers. ben's hand bringing her face in.


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